How to Install Android Pie on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1

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Are you using Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 and want to get Android P on your phone. Well, here you get what you wish. Yes, Android Pie is now available for your device in form of custom ROM. Check out the full Guide on How to Install Android Pie on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1.

how to install Android p on asus zenfone max pro m1Zenfone Max Pro M1 comes with stock UI out of the box. But it is not going to get Android Pie update soon enough. So if you want to taste the feel of Android Pie on Pro M1 then follow the guide and you will get to experience the latest Android on your phone. Android comes with a new version of Android every year with lots of new features.

As Android P is the latest, and it is better than the other Android version. It is smooth and power efficient. A phone isn’t a good product alone, a good phone is a combination of good hardware and good software. So the point I mean to say is OS is very important for a good phone. Otherwise, it will be wastage of such a good hardware device.

Lineage OS 16.0 Android Pie 9.0 for Zenfone Max Pro M1

Lineage OS is a well known in Custom ROM category because of their weekly update and bugless experience. Android P has started rolling out to some flagship smartphones, but for budget phones, we can not expect an official update for about 2 months. So, in this case, Custom ROM is the best option to get Android 9 on Zenfone Max Pro M1.

All thanks to Sagar makhar who is a senior member at XDA and other contributors who helped him. We are getting the latest lineage OS based on Android P early because of Sagar and other developers. So make sure to appreciate him for his great works.

It is the first Android P build Lineage OS for Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1, so there can be some bugs. But it will be fixed in the further updates. I will say just go and experience the all-new Android OS. It’s not the first Android P build custom ROM for Max ProM1, there is already Android 9 based AOSP ROM is available. Before flashing the ROM on your device take a look on features what’s working and what’s not. Without Taking your too much time, let’s dive into the process, How to Install Android Pie on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1.

Working Features:

  • Audio
  • Bluetooth
  • Boots
  • Calls, SMS, Data
  • Camera
  • FingerPrint
  • GPS
  • LED
  • Sensors
  • WiFi

Not Working:

  • VoLTE
  • NFC

Remember the VoLTE feature can be fixed by flashing custom VoLTE Zip file. You have to flash the file just after the ROM and before system Reboot. Otherwise, you won’t be able to use the VoLTE feature.


  • Take a full backup of your device. Because to Install Android P, you need to format everything.
  • Follow the steps carefully to avoid bricking (Boot Loop) your phone.

The process is very simple and if you are aware of Flashing ROMs then it will be a piece of cake for you. But if you are new in this field then you should keep in mind that you are doing it at your own risk.


Copy Lineage OS, Gapps, Vendor files in MicroSD card. Also, you need to have TWRP recovery to flash this ROM. At first, you need to install the TWRP recovery first.

Guide to Install TWRP on Asus Zenfone Max M1 Pro

  1. To Install TWRP bootloader should be unlocked. So make sure that Bootloader is unlocked on your Phone. Also, enable USB debugging on your phone.
  2. Then Download TWRP from above link and also Download adb setup.
  3. Run the adb setup and Install on your Windows PC.
  4. Go to Bootloader mode in the phone (press and hold volume up + power button) and connect with PC using the USB cable.
  5. In PC copy the TWRP image file and paste it to the location Local Disk C > adb(if you haven’t installed adb setup on your pc then adb folder will not be there).
  6. Now Rename the TWRP image file in some shorter sentence like twrp. Leave the extension (.img) as it is.
  7. In adb folder press ctrl+shift+Right click and select open PowerShell window here. If you are using other than windows 10 it will show cmd in place of PowerShell.
  8. To verify that your device is connected write command fastboot devices and press enter. It will then show some ID. It means your device is connected successfully.
  9. Now write command: fastboot flash recovery twrp.img and press enter.
  10. Now you have successfully installed TWRP on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1.

How to Install Android Pie on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1

  1. Once you have installed TWRP recovery, now boot your device into recovery mode(press and hold Volume down + power button)
  2. Now go to Wipe and select: Delvik/ART Cache, Cache, Data, System and Vendor and swipe to wipe selected to install Android p on asus zenfone max m1 pro
  3. Go to TWRP home and select Install now locate to the Lineage OS Zip file and select it.install Android 9 on Asus zenfone Max Pro M1
  4. Under Partition options select system if it asks and then swipe to Install Android Pie on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1.
  5. Again go to the Install and locate the Gapps file and swipe to install it.
  6. Wait for the Installation and after that again go to Install and Install Vendor.img file.install Android Pie on Asus zenfone Max Pro M1
  7. If you have the VoLTE fix zip file for Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 then also install it now.
  8. Now press and hold the power button until it Reboots. It will fix some issues like force closing apk package installer.
  9. After Rebooting to system setup the device and Enjoy Android P on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1.

This is how to install Android pie on Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1. As this is the first Lineage OS based on Android P for Zenfone Max Pro M1, you may face some issues but you can easily fix them. If you want to take help from the developers and contributors you can go to this XDA forum page. You know that custom ROM gets better and better with every revised update.

To experience more of its features you can Install Magisk and use modules to get benefits of Root. Also, Install Digital Wellbeing on your Android P device, it is one of the best features of Android Pie. If you like, Asus ROG Phone, You may love to grab the wallpapers too! Luckily, We found the stock wallpapers collection, you can download on your phone.

See Also: Download Android Pie Custom ROMs for 33 Phones

I have used the ROM and it is smooth and responsive. As this is only my case, but I have read that some of the users got some problems in the ROM. This is because of mistakes during flashing the ROM. Also improper flash can cause issues, so it is highly recommended to go for a clean flash. You can also contact us through facebook or comment section for any help or tips. It is obvious, that one of your friends also using the same phone, so share the process of install android pie on Asus Zenfone max pro m1 with your friends.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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