How to use the Camera Control to open another App on iPhone 16

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Not impressed with the default function of the new Camera Control on the iPhone 16? You can actually use it to open another app on your iPhone 16. Yes, it’s officially possible to assign a different function to the camera control, but you can only choose from limited options. Here I will help you assign camera control to open another app.

The new iPhone series comes with a new button called Camera Control. It is available on all four models: iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max. The new button is located below the side key. Sorry, Apple doesn’t call it a button, but we can.

By default, the button is set to quickly access the camera and its controls. However, not everyone like this function as the same controls are already available in the camera app which are much easier to use.

So if you don’t use the camera control on your iPhone 16 much or the button triggers the camera when accidentally touched, you can either turn off the camera control or set it to open a different app that may be more useful.

Assign another App to open with Camera Control button

The camera control is a tactile switch with two different clicks. This means you can easily assign single click or double click to open another app. Here’s how you can assign another app to open with iPhone 16’s camera control.

  1. Open Settings on your iPhone.
  2. Look for Camera and open it followed by Camera Control.
  3. In the Camera control settings, you can choose between Single press and Double press.
  4. Next, you can select the app to open between Camera, Code Scanner, Magnifier, Instagram, and None.

As of now, there are only three apps available to choose from. But we can expect support more apps in the future.

If you are worried about accidental touches, you can select the double press instead of single press. This will prevent the button from accidentally triggering the app.

To avoid accidental touches, you can also change the camera control settings in Accessibility. There you can choose a strength such as light or firm touch.

So this is how to assign a different app to open with camera control button on iPhone 16. Do you like the new camera control? Is it useful? Let us know in the comment section.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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