Last year Apple released the iOS 14 update which brings major UI changes in years. It packs with some great features including support for Widgets. It also improves the privacy of supported iPhones by letting users know which privacy feature is being accessed such as Camera, Location, or Microphone. Also, Google is also working on the same feature that will most probably come with Android 12. But you can get it now on your phone. Here you will know how to get the iOS 14 Privacy dots feature on Android phones.

The reason for Android’s popularity is the support for numbers of third-party apps. It also gives the chance to developers to execute their ideas that are not available on devices. And apps are the reason that many Android users don’t miss the opportunity to experience the latest and upcoming features. And the same way you can also enable Privacy Indicators on Android phones running on Android 7.0+.
In iOS 14, iPhones show indicators whenever privacy-related permission is used such as GPS, camera, and microphone. It helps users track their device permissions that indicate better privacy security. And if you also fear if someone can hack your camera and breach the security. Then this will help you by letting you know if any app is utilizing the camera module or not.
How to Enable iOS 14 Privacy Dots on any Android phone
Users have every right to be curious about which permission is being used in the background and foreground. It is a part of security that the permissions should be transparent to users. And to support this Google introduced a privacy control feature with Android 10 that lets you choose if you want to give permission to any app only one time or always when it is running.
But still, it doesn’t let you know when exactly which sensitive permissions are being used or which app is utilizing these permissions. Google is bringing this feature on Android 12, but it will take many months to be available and many devices won’t even get the Android 12 update. But don’t worry you can enable privacy indicators on any Android phone.
To enable the Privacy dots features, you need to have at least Android 7.0 on your phone. As most of the Android phones are running Android 7 or later, this guide will cover the majority of Android users.
We will be using a third-party app for the new Privacy dots indicator on Android phones that allows us to know when GPS, Camera, and Microphone are utilized by any app. Let’s now see how you can also enable Android 12 privacy indicators on any Android phone.
Steps to Get Privacy Indicators Feature on Android
Step 1: Open Play Store on your Android phone and install Access Dots Privacy Indicator app.
Step 2: After installing it, open the app and enable the toggle right next to Access Dots.
Step 3: It will take you to the Accessibility Settings where you need to provide permission to Access Dots.
Step 4: Go back to the Access Dots app and then tap on Settings icon.
Step 5: Now under Color Configuration make sure to enable the ‘GPS Location Access Dot’ and provide access if it asks.
Step 6: You can customize the Privacy dots as per your preference. Also, set the location where dots should appear.
Step 7: Now you can close the app. And for testing try the camera or Maps application on your phone.
In case if it doesn’t work, reinstall the app and try again. And for privacy dots location, choose the coordinates that suit the display. The best thing about the app is you don’t need to root your phone for this feature to work.
Android 12 is also set to bring a better version of Privacy indicators where it will show icons of the permissions utilized. The app is still in the early phase, and so we can expect more upgrades and features in the Access Dots app.
If you have an Android phone, then you should try the app. And also, for more guides related to Android, stay connected to YTECHB. And in case if you have any queries, do let us know in the comment section.
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