How to Fix Flickering Issue on Vizio TV

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If you have noticed that your TV’s screen is flickering, worry not. Take a look at a few troubleshooting methods to fix the flickering issue on Vizio TV to get the viewing experience back to normal.

These days, many users have reported on different social websites that while watching the TV, their TV suddenly started flickering, and the issue remained the same even after changing the channel. Flickering issues can appear on any smart TV, and the Vizio is no different.

No matter how old or new your Vizio smart TV is, the screen may start flickering. There can be various reasons why your Vizio TV screen is flickering. It could be due to faulty or damaged cables, a temporary bug or glitch, outdated TV firmware, a hardware-related problem, misconfiguration of settings, or others.

While in most cases the issue gets fixed on its own after a few moments, if the problem is not going away and you are having the issue, read on to find out the solutions to resolve the issue.

Fix the Flickering Issue on Vizio TV

No matter what the reason behind the issue, the solutions are almost the same for everyone. Check and apply the methods listed below one by one to see which one works for you, and let us know in the comments.

Power Cycle Vizio TV

The issue can easily be fixed by power cycling the TV if it’s caused by a bug or glitch. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Turn off your Vizio TV and disconnect it from the power outlet.
  • Wait for about a minute, then plug it again.
  • Finally, turn on the TV and see if the issue resolves or not.
Power Cycle Vizio TV

Update Your Vizio TV

If power cycling the TV does not help you fix the issue, then you can try updating the TV’s firmware. Running the TV on outdated software can cause different issues, including the screen flickering issue, and the best way to fix them is by updating the TV. Check out our dedicated article on how you can update your Vizio smart TV.

Inspect TV Cables

Screen flickering can also be caused due to damaged cables or a loose connection. Hence, remove all the cables and inspect them for any bends or cuts, then plug them back in.

Also, make sure to clear the ports before reconnecting the cables to them. Finally, check if the issue is resolved or not.

Turn Off Clear Action

Vizio has a clear action feature that increases the backlight and contrast of the image displayed on the screen. While the feature enhances the clarity of fast-moving images appearing on TV, it may lead to flickering if the brightness levels are too low. Here’s how you can disable it:

  • Press the Menu button on the remote.
  • Navigate to Picture > More Picture.
  • Head over to the Clear Action option and turn it off.
Turn Off Clear Action

Reset the Picture Mode

If you recently changed any picture settings on your TV, you need to reset the picture mode in order to fix the issue, as the issue might be due to a misconfiguration of settings.

  • On the remote control, press the Menu button.
  • Navigate to Picture > More Picture.
  • Select Reset Picture Mode and confirm it.

Factory Reset

If the above method does not work, you will have to reset your Vizio TV to its default settings. Resetting the TV clears out bugs, glitches, and other software-related problems, but it also erases all the data from the TV. Check out our dedicated guide to reset your Vizio smart TV.

Contact Vizio Support Team

If nothing works, you have no option but to contact the Vizio support team. They can help you find a solution for the problem and even arrange for a technician if you can’t fix the issue on your own.

Wrapping Up

So, these are the ways through which you can fix screen flickering issue on Vizio smart TV. I hope one of the above listed methods helped you resolve the problem. If you have any questions related to the article, don’t forget to let us know in the comments below.

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Harsh Saxena

Hi! I am Harsh and I write about technology on different websites. I frequently write about these topics and cover them. I am available on Twitter at @Harsh4saxena or Email me at to send in your feedback and tips. Worked at GadgetsToUse, BrowserToUse, DailyTechByte, FreshFounder, and with many other websites as an author and researcher.

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