How to Program your DirecTV Remote to use with a Vizio TV

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Losing a remote has happened to all of us at least once. While the most ideal solution would be to get a replacement remote there can be times when it can be difficult to get the same remote for your TV, especially if it was a model released many years ago. Thanks to universal remotes especially the one from DirecTV, you can easily use the DirecTV remote to control your TV.

When it comes to such universal remote controls, the most important question that everyone asks is if it would work with their TV. Yes, it does support all types of TVs and today we will be covering the topic of how you can program your DirecTV remote to work with your Vizio Smart TV. let’s get started.

DirecTV Remote Codes for Vizio TV

If you aren’t interested in checking out the code lookup page, well we have a list of the different DirecTV remotes as well as the codes for your Vizio Smart TV. Check them out below.

To find your DirecTV remote’s model, simply look at the top left of the remote. You will see a model number there.

how to program directv remote on vizio tv

DirecTV RC-23

  • 11765

DirecTV RC-24

  • 11756

DirecTV RC-32 and RC-32RF

  • 10864
  • 10885
  • 11756

DirecTV RC-64 and RC-65

  • 10864
  • 10885
  • 11499
  • 11756
  • 11758

DirecTV RC-71 and RC-71B

  • 10864
  • 10885
  • 11756
  • 11758
  • 12512
  • 12707
  • 12757
  • 12758
  • 13358
  • 13415

DirecTV RC-72

  • 10864
  • 10885
  • 11756
  • 11758
  • 12512
  • 12707
  • 12757
  • 13358
  • 13415
  • 13758

DirecTV RC-66 and RC-73

  • 10885
  • 11758
  • 12757

How to Program DirecTV Remote to Vizio TV [New Models]

Now you know the DirecTV remote pairing code for Vizio TV, you can follow the below steps to program your remote.

  1. First, you might want to power off your DirecTV set-top box. Do this by press the power button on the remote.
  2. Now, slide the switch on the DirecTV remote to the TV mode.
  3. Press the Mute and Select buttons simultaneously.
  4. Keep the buttons pressed until the LED light on the remote flashes twice.
  5. Now, enter the code that you have from the DirecTV page.

Once entered, the DirecTV remote can now be used to control your Vizio TV. To control the Set-top box, simply slide the switch and you are good to go.

How to Program DirecTV Remote to Vizio TV [Older TV Models]

  1. Switch the Vizio TV off. This is important as it will to later know whether the TV will turn on using the DirecTV remote or not.
  2. Now, slide the switch on the DirecTV remote to the TV.
  3. Press and hold the Mute and Select buttons on the remote, till the LED on the remote blinks twice.
  4. Press 991 on the remoteโ€™s keypad. Soon as you enter the numbers, press 1 again.
  5. The final step. Press the Channel Down or the Channel – button on the remote.
  6. Keep pressing the button till your Tv automatically turns on.
  7. You might have to keep pressing the button for a long time. It could cross 50 or 100 presses depending on old your Vizio Tv is.
  8. Once the TV switches on press the select button. This will now make the LED light on the remote blink twice.
  9. After the light blinks twice, press the power button. You now have programmed your DirecTv to work with your old Vizio TV.
  10. Sometimes, the method might not work properly. In this case, simply remove the batteries and insert them again. You should be good to go.


And this is how you can program your DirecTV remote to work with your Vizio TV. Whether it is an old or a new Vizio TV, these methods should work just fine. Well, this method works not only for Vizio TVs but for all kinds of TV brands from Samsung to TCL to Hisense or whatever brand of TV that you use.

You May Also Like – How to add apps on Vizio TV (without V button)

If you have tried using these methods to program the DirecTV remote to use with your Vizio TV, do let us know. If you havenโ€™t managed to program the remote, do let us know in the comments below.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

2 thoughts on “How to Program your DirecTV Remote to use with a Vizio TV”

  1. I need help on programming my new remote to my zisio tv and sound bat. I mean a wheelchair, and I explained that I donโ€™t have ability to reach my TV and normally DIRECTV, since someone went out with no charge because of my circumstances.


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