Are you trying to copy big size files (>4GB) on your flash drive but getting an error ‘the file is too large for the destination file system‘. If yes then below you will know how to fix this error. To fix the problem first check out the cause of the problem.
Reason for the Error:
Fix “The File is too Large for the Destination File System”
Step 1: Insert USB Flash Drive or External SD card in PC and then assign a new drive letter to it.
Step 2: Open My Computer and locate the drive then select the drive and then format your drive to NTFS format.
Now you can transfer the big size file to your USB flash drive and the error “the file is too large for the destination file system” is fixed.
This was an easy fix for the error. I hope that this method worked for you. I can imagine how free you feel right now after solving the issue. The same happens with my USB Drive too.
More Information:
- FAT12 file size limit is 32MB
- FAT32 file size Limit is 4GB
- NTFS file size limit is 256TB
With the Max file size limit of NTFS, we can transfer any file because almost all the files are under 256TB. If you have any idea that any single file in the world which is more than 256TB in size.
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Difference between NTFS and FAT
NTFS which stands for New Technology File System and was launched by Microsoft is 1993. It is the Drive format which is more secure and supports larger files. NTFS is better Format thanย FAT in every aspect like compression, security, compatibility, file size etc.
FAT which stands for File Allocation Table is the drive format used in older Windows. FAT was used by default in the Windows OS which came before Windows XP. There are some extensions of FAT which are FAT12 and FAT32. Both have some specific amount of file size limit. There are many limitations you will face using FAT. Now you know one of them.
Which Operating System uses the NTFS File System?
NTFS was launched in 1993 but it came much in use from 2001 with Windows XP. NTFS is the default Drive format for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10. And later on, we can also see it in coming Windows versions.
What is the Maximum File Size of NTFS?
The Maximum file size limit of NTFS is 256TB minus 64KB using 64GB Cluster. And the file size limit of NTFS is 16TB minus 4KB using the 4KB cluster.
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Thank you!
great is worked!