YouTube is Testing AI Features on App and Website

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AI is taking over every platform by storm. Google adopted the AI early in its Search engine and later brought AI to its other services. The tech giant is now testing AI in one of its biggest platforms, YouTube.

The new AI in YouTube is called Ask AI which is a conversational AI. Using this AI feature, users can ask and interact with the AI about the playing video. Users can ask for a summary of the video or ask any query related to the video.

Currently, the Ask AI feature is in experiment phase and is limited to YouTube Premium Android users in the United States. To test this experimental feature users also need to be above 18 years.

If you meet all the eligibility criteria, you can enable this experimental feature on your YouTube for Android App. To do that go to this link which will redirect you to the Experimental page. And there you will see the features available for your account. Enable the Ask AI feature and you are good to go.

Once the feature is enabled, you will see a new Ask button next to the Share button on eligible videos. Currently, the feature appears on English language videos. Once you tap on the button, it will open a chat-like interface where you can ask anything regarding the video.

Google is also testing AI-generated Summaries on the YouTube website. It appears to be working on some review and opinion videos. I was randomly watching videos and saw the summary feature which is listed as an experimental feature. I tried to look for this feature in other videos, and found it working only on a few videos.

YouTube testing new AI features

The summary tab appears just below the description tab. By default, it shows one line but users can expand it to see the full summary. The summary that AI shows is quite brief but give basic necessary information about the video.

YouTube testing new AI features

Since it’s an experimental video, you will also find a feedback button that users can use to give their feedback on the new feature.

It looks like Google is now focused on bringing AI features to all of its products and services before competition. What do you think about the new AI features appearing on YouTube? Are these beneficial or AI can not be trusted? Let us know in the comment section.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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