How to take Incognito Mode Screenshots in Firefox on Android

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Mozilla Firefox is one of the best web browsers available for Android compatible devices, thanks to the low-memory consumption and private browsing. Mozilla also added options such as reading modes, themes, download accelerators, ability to capture screenshots in incognito mode, and a lot of other features. In case you’re using Mozilla Firefox on your Android smartphone and want to take a screenshot while browsing through incognito mode, then here’s how to take incognito mode screenshots in Firefox on Android.

Mozilla Firefox is a popular browser but not the most used one. The browser began life as Netscape Navigator in 1998 and started as Mozilla in 2002. Apart from a browser, Mozilla also has other software such as the Mozilla VPN and Lockwise. Lockwise is a password manager that actually works perfectly fine and has great integration with the Firefox browser.

Firefox has a really good private browsing option and today we will see how to enable that as well as take screenshots in Incognito mode for Android.

Enabling Incognito Mode on Android

  • Launch the Firefox Browser and tap on tabs icon.
  • Now, tap on the Mask icon.
  • Hit the button that says + Private.
  • That is it, you have enabled Incognito Mode or Private Browsing Mode.

Do remember that even when you enable private browsing, your ISP will still be able to track where you have been online. Now that you have enabled Private Browsing mode, you might want to surf around or read some news. Maybe you found something interesting and wanted to take a screenshot of it. But Firefox won’t allow you to that by default.

Enabling Screenshots in Private Browsing on Firefox

  • Now that you are in Private Browsing, tap on the 3 dots at the bottom right.
    how to take screenshots in incognito mode on firefox
  • In the pop-up menu select Settings.
    how to take screenshots in incognito mode on firefox
  • In the Settings menu, tap on Private Browsing.
    how to take screenshots in incognito mode on firefox
  • Switch the toggle to On to allow screenshots in Private browsing mode.
    how to take screenshots in incognito mode on firefox

And that is how you enable Screenshots in Private Browsing for Firefox on Android. Now you might ask what about Firefox Lite? Does it have such restrictions to take screenshots? Well, Firefox Lite is an extremely light version of the original Firefox Browser for Android. You can enable Incognito Mode easily by taping on the mask icon at the left. As for screenshots, you can take them in both normal and private browsing mode.

About Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android is quite a feature rich browser that lets you browse the internet without any hiccups or silly bugs and issues. The browser has its own Private Browsing mode, options for synchronized tabs and even install addons to the browser. The browser scores 4.4 out of 5 stars and has 100 million+ downloads.


While Private Browsing might be a good way to leave no traces of your usage on the browser, its always best to make use of a VPN that will hide away all your internet browsing history. The only connections they will be seeing is you connected to some VPN service and that is it. Even with all these features enabled, always remember to vigilant and browse the internet responsibly.

You May Also Like – How to Take Screenshots in Incognito Mode on Google Chrome

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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