15 Best Games to Play on Zoom with Coworkers and Friends

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Using Zoom for your studies and work purposes, but feels bored after using it for many hours. Here’s something you should try to refresh the use of Zoom. We are going to share some best games to play on Zoom with Coworkers.

When it comes to Video Calls and Conferencing, Zoom takes the number one spot. With how the year still seems to be going, Work from Home culture continues to prevail almost all around the world. Sometimes you might have back-to-back video conferences and these can definitely be a headache. Sometimes you just get bored attending multiple Zoom calls.

And it even gets worse for those who are using Zoom to attend their classes. Sure, you are learning out and your teachers giving you 15 minutes breaks for your class to create breakout rooms to just talk or simply take a break from everything else before you go around for another video class. Thankfully there are ways that you can enjoy Zoom by playing games. Yes, you can play games on Zoom and even many games allow you to connect your zoom meeting to it. We’ll be taking a look at 15 free games that you should definitely try out on a Zoom meeting break.

1. Codenames

Codenames is a fun guessing game that can be played between 2 – 4 players and more. The teams are divided into 2. Each team has 2 operators and 1 spymaster. The spymaster will say a code word and his team has to guess which words on the board relate to it.

Each team has two chances. If you guess the first word wrong you have to skip your chance. Suppose you pick a word that’s not correct a neutral card will be placed on the board. The same goes for if you guess the other team’s word, that team’s card will be placed over the word. And, if you pick the card that represents the black card then you lose your turn. The spymasters have to make sure to not give out clues in any form, be it text or verbal. You can play Codenames on Zoom.

games to play on zoom

2. Bingo Maker

Everyone’s played Bingo at some point of time in their life. On some occasions, parties, Christmas, or maybe even a reunion. Anyways, with everyone staying home and all that, you can still play bingo virtually! Thanks to Bingo Maker, you can now invite all your friends/colleagues to join in a game of Bingo to play it on Zoom. How do you call them? Simply host a game and share the link along with the room code for your friends to join in. You can use any device to join a game of Bingo. Be it a laptop, phone, or even a tablet. No app installations are required! Simply use your browser and enjoy Bingo Maker on Zoom with your coworkers for free.

games to play on zoom

3. Heads Up

Here’s another guessing game that you will have fun playing. This one’s called Head’s Up. It requires that you have the app installed if at all no one has the cards with them. Anyway, once you’ve got the app, you’ll have to select amongst yourselves as to who will be the one who has to guess. Now simply select the deck of cards and place the phone on your forehead with the screen facing your friends. Your friends will start giving you clues as to what the word is. There also is a timer that you can set if the person isn’t able to guess what the word is. You can choose words from over 75 categories. Quite a good game to play on Zoom with Coworkers for free.

games to play on zoom with coworkers

4. Not All Bad Cards

This is another fun Zoom game that you can play using the browser itself. Each player is given cards that have weird and absurd responses. A round begins with a prompt card and a Card Queen. A card queen is basically the one who will choose their favorite response that fits around well with the prompt. You choose a response card to make the funniest one-liner by clicking on the Pick button.

Once you’ve decided what to choose hit the play button. The Card Queen now will choose their favorite response. The winner is declared at the end of the game. The person whose cards have been selected the most wins. It might feel a bit boring at the start, but once you get a hang of it, you’ll have loads of fun. You play it and invite your friends with a link.

games to play on zoom with coworkers

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5. Playingcards.io

It is another game on our list to enjoy games on Zoom calls. If you love playing card games when you were younger or still enjoy it but not anymore because you can’t go out, then playingcards.io is here to rescue you. You can play all the games such as Chess, Backgammon, Checkers, and even Dominoes.

It’s quite easy to access. Anyone can volunteer to host a game and they can share the code with their friends to join an online game room. All this needs a web browser on either your PC, Mobile, or even a Tablet. Also, what this particular website claim is that all the movements that are being played are all synchronized, meaning that you won’t find any delays or lags while watching people play their turns. Movements happen right at an instant.

games to play on zoom with coworkers

6. Skribbl

These games are the most fun on this list to play on Zoom with Coworkers. Very simple and straight to the point. The game suggests a word to the drawer and they have to draw. Others will have to guess what it is. Typing in the correct answer will score you points. Also, there’s a time limit as well the quicker you guess the higher points you get and vice versa. From what I’ve seen some words are pretty weird to describe via a drawing, but hey you let your imagination run wild and let the creativity gears shift in. You can enjoy such a game at Scribbl.io and on Drawful 2. Its another free game to play on Zoom with coworkers.

games for zoom calls

7. Co-worker Feud

You’ve all heard of the very popular TV Game Show called Family Feud hosted by Steve Harvey. As you know, the game has a number of questions that you need to answer. Now, most of these questions are basic common ones, the catch here lies in the response that you have. Now, on this website, you can easily go ahead and play a version of Family Feud with your co-workers from the office via Zoom called Co-worker Feud.

Co-worker Feud has different types of questions based on different occasions such as Halloween and Holiday Specials. The game is bound to bring in a lot of fun and laughter because you know you’ll be expecting funny responses as well as funny questions that will be asked. The best part about this game is that you don’t have to do anything. The game has a virtual mode that you can directly screen share with your coworkers via Zoom.

Games to Play on Zoom with Coworkers

8. Chess

A lot of people have taken a keen interest in playing Chess. Considering that there was a Netflix series called The Queen’s Gambit, the number of people who wanted to learn how to play chess had risen. Playing chess via Zoom can now be done easily thanks to chess.com, and its free. This website not only allows you to play against the computer but also against real individuals right away.

You and your friends can easily kill the time that you have after work to play an interesting game of Chess easily. In case you wanted to learn how to play chess, there are a number of guides and tutorials on the website itself.

Games to Play on Zoom with Coworkers

9. Scattergories

Here’s another guessing game to try on Zoom call. You will get a letter and a list in the game. Within the given time you’ll have to give answers that begin with the given letter. If at all you and another person have the same answer, then no points are given. Each time you come up with a unique answer you get a single point. You could always type in your answers in the zoom chat or make use of the good old pen and paper if you wish to. It’s easy to host this game. The host has to simply share their screen and that’s it. You can also change the amount of time that’s needed, change the letter and even reduce or increase the number of questions. Scattergories is where you’ll have fun and might even learn some new things. These games are more fun to play on Zoom calls.

games for zoom calls

10. Zoom Charades

The obvious one to play on Zoom. Everyone enjoys playing and being a part of Dumb Charades. It’s a fun game where a person has to act out the word that has been given by the other team. The actor’s team should guess what it is by saying what it is. This simply needs no explanation whatsoever. The only help that you’ll need is by making use of a word generator and you’ll be good to go. Though do remember that for everyone to enjoy the game, there should be a good enough internet connection and proper lighting. Otherwise, this fun game will turn into a big disappointment for everyone. Try this game on Zoom and let us know your experience.

best games to play on zoom

11. Wordscatter

Here’s a word hunting game that should be fun to play on Zoom. You are given a box with mixed alphabets and your goal is to make words out of those letters. Every correct word scores points, while incorrect words will lose a point. The game does require that you have a good vocabulary which will surely be a plus point. All players will have a few minutes to make as many words as they can with letters in the box. It becomes challenging when you are running out of time trying to make that one word that you think is the best and will score you good points. We are almost at the end of the list of games for Zoom call, let us know if you like games that are on the list.

best games to play on zoom

12. Among Us

Okay, this is more of a mobile game rather than anything you could play on Zoom. Among Us is a fun game where crewmates and imposters trying to survive on different maps. The job of the crewmates is to complete tasks and find out who the imposter is. While the imposter has to kill crewmates quietly and sabotage the area and waste the time of the crewmates. The game is fun and easy to learn. You can have discussions and meetings on Zoom as the game doesn’t have any voice chat options enabled as of now. Though while in-game make sure to mute your speakers so that nobody knows where you are at or what you are up to.

best games to play on zoom

13. Two Truths One Lie

This is an interesting Zoom game that doesn’t require any props. In fact, you don’t even need a website to make use of at all. Now with Two Truths One Lie, a person will be selected and they would have to state three things about themselves. Out of those three things, two will have to be the truth and one will have to be a lie. The remaining players will have to guess the right whether each statement that has been spoken is either a truth or a lie.

These kinds of games help you to understand your friends and co-workers much better. To make things a bit more fun, you can also take a gander on Google and look for hilarious statements that can be spoken out as a lie.

Best Games to Play on Zoom with Coworkers

14. Hangman

is another fun game to play where you will have to guess the letters to complete a word You can easily identify the number of letters the word has simply because of the blanks in it. Each player will have to guess the alphabet for the word. If the player is correct the letter will be added to the blank. The more correct letters you guess, the easier it becomes to guess the word.

Each time a wrong letter is suggested, the hangman begins formation. As and when the whole hangman is drawn the player who guessed the wrong letters is the loser. You can easily play Hangman on your PC.

Best Games to Play on Zoom with Coworkers

15. Name Place Animal Thing

Here’s a game that doesn’t require any sort of paper. All you need is a device that has either a document creator or a notepad. Or, you can easily make use of the game’s website. The rule of this game is simple. One person from the group will have to select a particular letter and the other players will have to now note down a name place an animal and a thing that begins with the letter selected by the person.

Each person scores 10 points for every unique answer. However, the points get halved if two people have come up with the same answer. The winner of the game is determined based on the highest number of points a person has scored during the entire game session.

Best Games to Play on Zoom with Coworkers

Games to Play on Zoom with Coworkers

  1. Codenames
  2. Bingo Maker
  3. Heads Up
  4. Not All Bad Cards
  5. Playingcards.io
  6. Skribbl
  7. Co-worker Feud
  8. Chess
  9. Scattergories
  10. Zoom Charades
  11. Wordscatter
  12. Among Us
  13. Two Truths One Lie
  14. Hangman
  15. Name Place Animal Thing


Yes, you can enjoy a lot of games on Zoom calls. Though do remember to choose a game that will run fine with everyone’s internet connection. Also, if you can improvise you could connect to a bigger screen or your TV and even use Bluetooth speakers for better audio. The most important thing is to be mindful and help anyone who might not be technically sound in case if they have any issues and ask you for help.

If you attend zoom calls for hours and you start hating Zoom, then these Zoom games will help you refresh your mind while having fun with others. Playing games on Zoom is not the real purpose of Zoom, but as long as we have fun it doesn’t matter. That’s all on our list of games to play on Zoom for free. Let us know which game you play on zoom with your coworkers or friends.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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