12 Best KWGT Widgets to Customize Android Home Screen

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As an Android user, you have the freedom to customize anything and everything on your device. You can change the font styles, themes, launchers, icon packs, ringtone, notification sounds, and even the wallpaper for your device. One other element that a lot of users have been leaving away are the widgets. Widgets are nothing but shortcuts to different functions that you can easily access on the home screen without having to launch the app.

Android devices come with a wide range of widgets. These will be widgets from the system apps or preinstalled apps such as the ones from the bunch of Google Apps. There is no harm in using those widgets, as they are free-to-use ones. However, there are unique widgets out there that you can use to step up your widgets game. KWGT widgets is one of the best third-party options, here are the best KWGT widgets that you can install on your Android device.

Best KWGT Widgets

If you haven’t heard of KWGT, well it is an app that lets you install custom widgets. These widths are usually designed by people who then release them either for free or paid on the Google Play Store.

When it comes to certain widgets, you will have to make use of the Pro version of KWGT to install certain widget packs. You can install the KWGT app from this link and purchase the Pro key for KWGT from this link.

Vanilla KWGT

The first widget on this list is a free-to-use widget pack called Vanilla KWGT. This is a widget pack that contains a good number of widgets that can be sued to display the day, date, time as well as weather on your home screen. The Vanilla KWGT widget pack has a total of 180 widgets for you to choose from. You can easily customize different widget elements in the KWGT widget app.

best kwgt widgets

Download: Vanilla KWGT by ppick CH.

Titan KWGT

Titan KWGT is a perfect widget pack for those who love the honeycomb design and shape. These are widgets that also have nice pastel-colored elements on the widgets. All of the widgets in this widget pack are free to use, provided you have the pro version of KWGT Widgets. You can choose from a total of 106 widgets.

best kwgt widgets

Download: Titan KWGT by Phone Customization

KWGT Odisea

Odisea is a KWGT widget pack that has a total of 116 widgets to choose from. You can easily decorate your deviceโ€™s home screen with these uniquely designed clock widgets. The widgets pack also has a few search bar widgets, media player widgets as well app shortcut icons for your favorite social media apps.

best kwgt widgets

Download: KWGT Odisea by Luis Minaya

Neon Rock for KWGT

As you guessed from the title of the widget pack, you get access to a total ofย  42 neon-colored widgets. These are great widgets for those who love the 80s neon look. You can easily add plain black wallpaper. You can choose from many dates, clocks, weather, and search bar widgets.

best kwgt widgets

Download Neon Rock for KWGT by Alfonso Perez

Nebbia for KWGT 

If you are looking for widgets that are a touch of minimalism and at the same time flow along the retro design styles the Nebbia widget pack is for you. With a total of 86 widgets to choose from, you can easily customize your home screen with these widgets provided you find a wallpaper that compliments the widgets.

best kwgt widgets

Download: Nebbia for KWGT by widegtology

Evolve KWGT- Unique Widgets

These sets of Evolve widgets are definitely unique. You see, this widget pack has widgets that show you a quote, a steps counter that is connected to the Google Fit app, a widget to watch your subreddits, an RSS news feed viewer as well as an air quality index widget. These are super beneficial widgets that help you easily get all the info at your fingertips.

best kwgt widgets

Download: Evolve KWGT- Unique Widgets by YoG

Vibrant Colors – KWGT

Here is a set of vibrant-colored widgets that you can use to decorate your home screen. The widgets have nice colors as well as pastel ones in the form of a calendar, weather, and battery widgets. While all the widgets do look good, choosing the right wallpaper can simply help to make the widgets stand out on your device.

best kwgt widgets

Download Vibrant colors- kwgt by ppick CH


This is one of the beginner widget packs that everyone installs to experiment and see how cool KWGT widgets are. It’s a free pack, but it does have a ton of cool widgets that you can apply. You can choose from around 200 widgets to decorate your home screen. All the widgets have a minimalistic design.

best kwgt widgets

Download: Huk KWGT by ppick CH

Blended KWGT

Blended KWGT is a set of widgets that have a neomorphic design along with being minimalist. You can choose from a wide range of calendars and weather widgets. If you are running on Android 12 and later, you can make use of the material-designed widgets that will look perfect with your deviceโ€™s wallpaper. For most of these widgets, using a soft solid wallpaper is a good option.

best kwgt widgets

Download: Blended KWGT by Vignesh Vicky

Gradient for KWGT | Themeland

The gradient art style has always been around. If you love the color style, you can try out Gradient for KWGT. This widget pack has 10 unique gradient-colored widgets as well as high-quality wallpapers that can be set up easily with the widgets for your Android device.

best kwgt widgets

Download: Gradient for KWGT by  Themeland

Feast KWGT

Feast KWGT is a 120-widget pack that has a large number of unique widgets that are designed to fill your home screen. There are beautiful calendar, weather, and app shortcut widgets that can be applied to the home screen. In fact, you can easily resize these widgets to fit the whole home screen.

best kwgt widgets

Download: Feast KWGT by Raj Arya Designs

Baemax for KWGT

Looking for widgets that will help improve the quality of your day-to-day life? Baemax Widgts is what you need. These aren’t your regular clock, date, or weather widgets. Instead, you get unique widgets such as a drink water reminder, hand wash reminder,ย  sleep tracker, and steps counter. You can easily choose between light and dark widgets. This is good for people who need to be reminded to perform these tasks.

best kwgt widgets

Download Baemax for KWGT by undefined


This concludes the list of the best KWGT widgets you can install for free on your Android device. Again to make these widgets work, you will have to install KWGT and the pro version of the app (which is a one-time purchase) to use these widgets on your Android device. Now, all of these widgets are pleasing to look at. However, what matters with these widgets is that you need to have the right kind of wallpaper that will help to compliment the widget perfectly. Additionally making use of a third-party Android launcher will make things even easier.

If you have a list of the best KWGT widgets that you use, feel free to mention them in the comments section below.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

2 thoughts on “12 Best KWGT Widgets to Customize Android Home Screen”

  1. Titan KWGT won’t install on Android 13, error shown stating it’s only for older versions, possibly the author hasn’t made the necessary changes. I would guess some of the others might suffer from the same issue. That’s the problem with some designers, once they’re done with one project they just desert it and move on. Shame.


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