How to update Software on Samsung Smart TV [2 Methods]

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It’s important to keep your device’s software up to date even on Smart TVs. Do you want to update your Samsung Smart TV software but don’t know the steps to do so? If yes, you are not alone; many people are looking for steps to update their Samsung TVs.

While not every smart TV brand provides constant updates to their TVs, Samsung is among those that provides updates to their TVs from time to time. Just like mobile phone updates, Samsung releases updates regularly to their Smart TVs as well to improve performance, fix bugs, and add new features.

In addition to the above things, updates also come with security features that can protect your Samsung TV from vulnerable attacks. Read on to check out the steps to update your Samsung TV’s firmware.

Benefits of Updating TV’s Software

We take action in anything only when there is some benefit in it, whether it is a software update. Because why not, if an update doesn’t bring any value then why should we waste time on it. So that’s why you would also like to know the benefits of updating your TV software.

There are several benefits to updating your Samsung TV’s firmware to the latest version. Some of them are as follows:

  • Enhanced Performance
  • Bugs or Glitch Fixes
  • New Features
  • Protect from vulnerable attacks
  • Amongst others

Now that you know the benefits of updating the TV’s software, read on to check out the steps to update your TV to the latest firmware.

How to Update Samsung Smart TV Software

There are multiple methods you can follow to upgrade firmware. Read along to know all the methods.

Method 1: Update Samsung TV Firmware via Internet

Updating a Samsung smart TV to the latest version is very simple if itโ€™s connected to the internet. Follow the below steps to do so:

Step 1: First make sure that your Samsung TV is connected to the internet.

Step 2: Now, on your TV remote, press the Home button to jump right into homescreen. Here navigate to All Settings from side menu. Press the Settings button if its present on your Remote.

Step 3: In Settings, navigate to Support > Software Update.

Step 4: Next select Update Now and the TV will check for available updates.

If there is a new version available, follow the instructions visible on the screen to update your TV.

This particular method works for almost every Samsung TV including old TVs. The only difference you will see is the access to Settings. In old TVs the Settings option is available at the bottom while in new TVs it is present on the left side. Once you find Settings, the remaining process is same.

Method 2: Update Samsung Smart TV via USB

You can also update your TV to the latest version even if it’s not connected to the internet through USB. Follow the below steps to achieve this.

Step 1: Visit the Samsung Support page through your favorite web browser. Here enter your TV model number. You can also navigate to support page manually.

Step 2: Now click on the Manuals and Software section. Download the latest Firmware. Its version must be higher than your TV’s current software.

Step 3: The firmware will be in compressed format, simply extract the folder and copy its content over to your USB drive. Do not make any changes to the folderโ€™s name or put the extracted folder into another folder.

Step 4: Now plug in the USB drive with the extracted folder containing the firmware. The TV automatically recognize files on USB drive and it will automatically start checking for the update. If not follow next step.

Step 5: Press the home button on your remote, navigate to Settings > Support > Software Update and finally Update Now.

Step 6: The TV will now ask you to allow it to search the USB drive for any firmware files. Select Yes to let it search through the USB drive.

When it finds the update, it will begin the installation and restart automatically to complete the update process.

And there you have it, you have updated the firmware of your Samsung smart TV via the USB upgrade File.

How to Turn On Automatic Update on Samsung Smart TV

Samsung has an auto-update feature that, once enabled, detects and downloads updates on your TV automatically when you power on your TV and connect it to Internet. Here’s how you can turn on the feature:

Step 1: Connect your TV to the internet connection.

Step 2: Press the Home button and navigate to Settings > All Settings > Support > Software Update.

Step 3: Choose Auto Update and enable it.

How to Update Apps on Samsung Smart TV

If you are looking to update apps on your Samsung smart TV, the steps are different from updating the system. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: On the remote, tap the Home button.

Step 2: Select Apps > My Apps.

Step 3: Choose Options and set Auto Update to On.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Manually Update My Samsung Smart TV?

You can easily update your Samsung smart TV by going to Settings > Support > Software Update and checking for the available ones manually. Before doing so, make sure your TV is connected to an internet connection.

Does Samsung TV update itself?

If your TV is connected to the internet and you have enabled the auto-update feature, the TV will automatically check and download the latest version when you turn it on.


So, this was all about how you can update your Samsung Smart TV. In addition, we have also added the advantages and steps to enable auto-update and update apps on Samsung TV. I hope the article helps you update the system to the latest version.

If you’ve any query, then leave it in the comment box. Also, share this article with your friends.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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