A new version of TWRP has been released for many TWRP supported devices. The new version is tagged as TWRP 3.6.0 which is an upgrade over TWRP 3.5.2 which was released in April 2021. It brings support for Android 11 devices and many other changes. Here you get to know how to download TWRP 3.6.0 for your Android phone if supported.
TWRP aka TeamWin Recovery Project is undoubtedly the best custom recovery available for Android. And since its developer community is bigger than any custom recovery, it is available for many Android phones. TWRP 3.6.0 is the official build released for most currently supported devices.
A custom recovery like TWRP allows users to flash files, adb sideload, format device, partition, and various other advanced functions. If you are someone who loves to try out different custom ROMs, then you probably know about TWRP Recovery. TWRP just makes everything so simple and that’s why many users use this recovery instead of the stock recovery.

The new version of TWRP is released after a long gap, you might have not noticed the gap as many unofficial builds are being released continuously. Unofficial builds are released mostly from the same moderators (who are working on TWRP official changes) for necessary testing before a final release like TWRP 3.6.0. It comes with many changes and improvements which you can see in the below changelog.
TWRP 3.6.0 Changelog
Android 9 Branch:
- SAR Update script name for clarity – CaptainThrowback
- Fix building toolbox in android-7.1 – CaptainThrowback
- Fix bash – Jarl-Penguin
Android 11 Branch:
- Add support for installation realme/OPPO OTA – Ctapchuk
- update custom makefiles to golang modules – bigbiff
- sepolicy updates – nebrassy, bigbiff, CaptainThrowback
- encryption updates for a11 – bigbiff, micky387, CaptainThrowback
- vendor kernel module loader – bigbiff
- virtual A/B updates – bigbiff
- snapshot merges – bigbiff
- repacker warnings – CaptainThrowback
- f2fs formatting fixes – systemad
- symlink dynamic partitions in bootdevice – Mohd Faraz
- Fixes
- Fix parsing get_args for wiping cache
- vendor hal fixes – Mohd Faraz
- fix samsung haptics – soulr344
- digest check fixes – epicX
- ozip decrypt fixes – Ctapchuk
- Change how blank screen works – Sean hoyt
Android 9 and Android 11 Branches:
- add num template for PIN input – CaptainThrowback
- Ignore A12 XML files binary format – zhenyolka
- Add support of A12 keymasterkeyblob files structure – zhenyolka
- keymaster restore: warn when pin, password or pattern is enabled – bigbiff
- New flashing method for recovery as boot devices: Advanced > flash current twrp – nebrassy
- factory wipe and mtp fixes – CaptainThrowback
- add indonesian language – Xdisk
- update Russian language – Ctapchuk
- add canceldecrypt page – CaptainThrowback
- copy logcat when copying logs in TWRP – CaptainThrowback
- Fixes
- FBE Encryption fixes – CaptainThrowback
- repacker fixes for compression – nebrassy
- exclusion criteria for Fix Recovery Bootloop – CaptainThrowback
- unmount vendor if not available – LinkBoi00
- theme updates – LinkBoi00
Download TWRP 3.6.0 Recovery
The latest TWRP 3.6.0 is available for most of the devices that are currently receiving development. And soon more devices will get the update. To check for devices that have received TWRP 3.6.0 recovery, visit the official TWRP site and go to the Devices section. Then select your device and preferred download server. It will then list all the available TWRP versions for your device.
If the TWRP 3.6.0 is there, then it is available for your device. And from that link, you can also download TWRP 3.6.0 for your phone. You can also download it from forums like XDA.
The other and easy way to download TWRP 3.6.0 is from the TWRP Android App. Install the official TWRP App from Play Store and there you can set your device to get the latest TWRP available for your device.
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