Netflix is one of the top streaming platforms. Not only does this platform have the biggest library of Movies and TV shows, but Netflix also has features that every streaming service should adopt. One cool feature is that users can see their complete viewing History. Here is the complete guide to view Netflix Watch History and export the list to your device.
Sometimes you want to know what you have watched on Netflix since the start. Maybe you want to share your viewing history with your friends or just want to recall titles that you may have forgotten. You can see all your watch history. And itโs quite easy.
When you complete watching a movie, show, or documentary, their chances to show on the homepage are lower than other content. You will see the incomplete content in the continue watching section. But you will not be able to see the content you already watched in any section. What do you think? There should be re-watch section in Netflix. For now, you can follow the method below.
How to See Netflix Watch History
Here are the steps you can follow to see Watch History and export the history list to your device in excel file.
Step 1: Open Netflix official website and make sure you are logged in.
Step 2: Choose your Profile and then click on the Profile icon at the top right corner.
Step 3: Here select Account, which will open the account settings.
Step 4: Scroll down and click on your profile, this will open drop down menu.
Step 5: From the menu click on View next to Viewing Activity.
Step 6: This will show all the content you have watched in Netflix with this account. You need to click on Show More to view content in next page.
In the Viewing history page, you can see the title of the content and the date when you watched that content. You can also download your Netflix viewing history in a excel file by clicking on Download All.
Can You See Netflix Watch History on App
No, you can not see your viewing activity in the Netflix App for Android and iOS. You will need to use the web version of Netflix to know the titles you have already watched.
How to Delete Netflix Watch History
If you are sharing your account with your family members and don’t want to keep your Netflix history public, you can easily hide any content from the viewing history. Hiding any content from Watch History will be removed the activity list. The content could still appear in suggestions to watch. Here’s how to hide or delete watch history.
Step 1: Open Netflix website and log-in with your account.
Step 2: Open your profile and tap on the small profile icon at the right corner.
Step 3: Now choose Account and then expand your profile for menu.
Step 4: Here click on View next to Viewing activity.
Step 5: In the Watch History list, you can click on Hide All if you want to remove all the content from the history. But if you want to hide only select title, you can click on the circled division slash icon next to the title.
It will take 24hr for the title to disappear from the viewing history list of Netflix.
This is a good way to keep your account clean if you share your account with your family. We all have some titles in the Watch history that we are not comfortable to share with others. It’s also cool that the Watch history does not appear in the homepage.
So that’s everything about the Netflix Watch History. If you have any queries let us know in the comment section.
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