How to enable the new Taskbar Search Button on Windows 11

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With every new update that Microsoft releases for Windows 11, there is always some sort of features that are hidden. Most of the time, this can be seen with the Developer Channel builds for users of the Windows Insider program. As soon as these builds are released to the users, people will always look around to see what’s new and what elements can be customized manually.

This time users will able to change the search button on the Taskbar. As of now, the default search icon on the Taskbar is the magnifying glass. However, there have been a few reports where it can be seen that the magnifying glass icon has been replaced by various different search bars. So, if you are looking forward to enabling the new search button on the Taskbar of your Windows 11 PC, this is the guide for you.

Enable New Search buttons on Taskbar

In order to enable the new search buttons on the Taskbar for Windows 11, there are two things that you need to be having on your PC.


Download ViVeTool

If you’ve followed some of our Windows 11 guides, ViVeTool has been mentioned and used a lot to enable all of these features. If you don’t have the ViVeTool, you can follow these steps to download it.

  • Launch your favorite web browser and visit this GitHub page.
  • Once the ViVeTool GitHub page opens,  download the latest available version of the tool.
  • Click on the Download ViVeTool zip file. This is a small file that weighs just under 370 KB
  • Once the file has been downloaded, extract the file.

Enable Search Buttons

Now that you have installed the necessary Windows 11 Insider Preview update and have the ViVeTool, it’s time to enable the new search button on the Taskbar for Windows 11.

how to enable new taskbar Search button on windows 11
  1. From the Start Menu, search and launch the Command Prompt.
  2. Make sure to run it as an Administrator.
  3. Now, navigate to the folder where you extracted the ViVeTool.
  4. Right-click on the folder and choose the Copy as a Path option.
  5. Go back to the Command Prompt and type in cd followed by the path of the ViVeTool Folder. Make sure to run the command by pressing the Enter key.
  6. Now, you need to type in vivetool /enable /id:39263329 /variant: 1
  7. You can change the variable variant to 3 and 5 respectively.

This is how you can change the search button on the Taskbar on your Windows 11 PC. Do note that this will only work for users on the Dev channels of the Windows Insider Program running Windows 11. So, what do you think about the new Windows 11 search button for the taskbar? Do you think it’s much cooler looking that the basic magnifying glass icon? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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