Cities: Skylines 2 – How to Build an All-Rounder City

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Cities Skylines 2 is a great city management and building game. This is a city simulator where you build the city of your dreams. From roadworks to outdoor entertainment spaces and everything else in between- you choose what goes where and what you like.

While the game lets you run your creativity without any limits, it’s best to know that there are certain things that you need to follow if at all you want to have a properly functioning city where not only people can live happily but you are also able to earn a good amount of revenue and profit which can be put to improving the city.

So, if you are looking for some good tips and pointers towards building a great city in Cities: Skylines 2, you have come to the right place.

Building an All-Rounder City in Cities: Skylines 2

In Cities: Skylines 2 every element of the game is important and choosing the right element will help you progress with your city. Whether it is the type of map or what expansion plans you have in store- all of it matters when building and managing your city.

Choose The Right Map

Choosing the right map is the first step in deciding what kind of city you plan to build. You can choose a map. The maps vary based on the climate, theme, possible outside connections, availability of natural resources, and the total buildable area on the map.

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The game has 12 maps for you to choose so take your time in choosing the map you plan to build your city in.

Take Inspiration From Real World Cities

Since Cities: Skylines 2 is a city-building game where you have the freedom to build your dream city, it is rather very important for you to understand that having a proper plan in mind is essential so that you have a good idea of what you plan to build and how you can avoid any sort of problems with the city that you are building. So look at street views of well-planned cities around the globe and take some inspiration from them.

Plan, Plan, and Plan

No city was suddenly built up in a day. Having a great plan is important. You can plan a good number of things such as where all the social and activities places will be, and what kind of road networks you want to have.

cities skylines 2 tips to make a perfect city

If you want to have railways and airports, where they should be as well as what kind of outdoor spaces are within walking distance of people’s homes and colonies. Also, you need to make sure that there is enough electricity and water supply along with garbage collection. Nobody wants to live in a city that has little to none of basic services.

Progression and Milestones

Cities: Skylines 2 has a progression system as well as milestones that you can unlock when you complete certain tasks or objectives. So it is best to start your city one small step at a time.

For best results, it is recommended that you start with a small city and then gradually expand to turn it into a large metropolis. Doing so will gradually earn the milestones for the game Here are the main 5 milestones for you to unlock.

  • Grand Village
  • Big Town
  • Large City
  • Thriving Metropolis
  • Megapolis

Each time you earn a milestone, you get XP points for your city which helps you to slowly level up and eventually max out your city. This is a great way to play the game but, do remember that it can take a lot of time hence, patience is key. Every time you complete a milestone, the game rewards you with different items that you can use for your city building.

Unlock What You Like

Cities: Skylines 2 has a ton of things for you to unlock and add to your city. While you can choose whatever you like to unlock, it is best to unlock things that you would add to your city. This ensures that you do not have a bunch of stuff that you would not use in the first place.

Make sure to use the points that you have earned wisely. For example, if you want people to take the train to reduce traffic blocks go ahead and unlock everything that you need to build your railway network.

Manage The Demand

Having an overly populated or zoned-out city will only cause you headaches. Plan and go with simple layouts so that you don’t get caught up in your mess.

cities skylines 2 tips to make a perfect city

Having too many issues will make the people want to leave the city. So don’t rush around with things. Build what you currently have and then slowly expand with time and or when the demand gradually increases.

Upgrade – But At A Later Time

Upgrades might seem like a cool feature to enhance all the buildings in your city. As interesting as it may be, it’s best to avoid these upgrades when you are starting the game.

Having everything upgraded at the start itself will simply cause an increase in spending and almost little to no profits for you. Go for upgraded buildings only when you unlock the Metropolis milestone. Otherwise, keep it all simple and neat.

Keep the Pollutants Away

No one wants to be living in a city that is highly polluted. All your factories and other industries can be kept to a part of the map away from the living spaces. Oh and make sure to avoid these pollutants from entering the water bodies and the water supply for your city.

cities skylines 2 tips to make a perfect city

Ensure that your drinking water supply and pipeline are far away from the sewage lines. An accident can simply cause sewage to enter the clean water supply creating more problems for your city.

Feedback and Complaints

The people living in your city will have opinions and thoughts about how the city is doing. It is ideal to watch for this feedback and improve on it. Simply having these complaints ignored will result in people moving away from your city. You can also view the statistics to know whether an improvement is needed. Listing and solving the problems of your city will make your city a better city to live in and will also net you good scores and points.

Manage The Tax Rates

Of Course, a city needs to earn some money so that it can provide services to its dwellers. Hence tax collection is a must. While managing city taxes, ensure that it is not too high or else people will simply want to move away. Different zones can have different tax brackets.

So make sure you don’t simply keep all the zones on a high tax bracket structure. You can increase the tax rate but, it is advisable to have a gradual increase over several months rather than sudden increases.

Watch Out For Natural Disasters

Yes, natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and even asteroid attacks are pretty common in Cities: Skylines 2. So make sure that you have all the emergency services in your city and that they can get access to every district in your city. Also, you might want to always have a good budget set aside for repair and upkeep works in case of such disasters.

Where to Play Cities: Skylines 2?

Cities: Skylines 2 is available for Windows PC users only as of now. You can choose to play the game via Steam or go with Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service. The game can also be purchased by the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Closing Thoughts

These are all the important things you need to keep in mind when building your dream city in Cities: Skylines 2. It is important to have a good plan as well as be able to manage the budget for various city-based expenditures such as maintenance and usual upkeep.

Also taking inspiration from cities is a good way to kick-start your city building in Cities: Skylines 2.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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