Universal remotes, there are a ton of them out there, and they all have one job, i.e., to act as your main remote for your TV and other devices. While most of the remotes are the same, there are a few universal remotes that stand out. One such universal remotes type are Jumbo sized remote, which has super big buttons that make the remote easy to operate.
If you are someone planning to use a Jumbo universal remote, this guide is for you. In this article, we will be taking a look at all the Jumbo Universal Remote codes and how you can program Jumbo Universal Remote to your TV.
The Jumbo Universal Remote is different from your regular-sized Universal Remote. This universal remote has jumbo or large-sized buttons on the remote. If you have big fingers, there are times when you are pressing two buttons at the same time, so the large size remote is what you need. Most universal remotes also do not have adequate space between the buttons, which can be a problem for many people.
What are the Jumbo Universal Remote Codes?
Remote Codes are required to program universal remote controls with your particular TV brand or other device. Similarly Jumbo Universal Remote also require specific set of codes for each devices. Once you have the right code for your TV, the Jumbo Universal Remote will function like your main TV remote.
Jumbo Universal Remote Codes
You can easily program the Jumbo Universal Remote control to your TV. The programming processes for such universal remotes are fairly easy and generally do not take much of your time. We have listed out the TV brands along with their codes for you to use. After the codes, we will also explain the steps to program the Jumbo Universal Remote to your TV.
One thing to note about these Jumbo Universal Remote codes is that they are all 3-digit codes. Having three-digit codes is good, as you don’t have to worry about remembering too many numbers.
- Acme: 039,050
- Ada: 007,008
- Adc: 003
- Admiral: 001,173
- Adventura: 174
- Aiko: 058
- Aiwa: 195,196
- Akai: 002
- Alleron : 051
- Amark: 020
- Amtron: 053
- Amstrad: 189
- Ananational: 003,025,042,053,193
- Aoc: 004,005,007,009,014,132,156,175
- Apex : 214
- Archer: 020
- Audiovox: 053
- Bang&olufsen: 190
- Belcor: 004
- Bell&howell: 000,001,049
- Bradford: 053
- Broksonic: 136,147
- Brokwood: 004
- Candle: 004,008,009,174
- Centurion: 009
- Capehapt: 175
- Cenlebrity: 002
- Centurion: 009
- Cetronic: 042
- Changhong: 214
- Citizen: 001,004,008,009,042,053,058,105,109,177
- Clqirtone: 014
- Classic: 042,214
- Colortyme: 004,009,010
- Concerto: 004,009
- Conciereg: 121
- Contec/cony: 012,013,014,042,053
- Craig: 042,053
- Crown: 042,053
- Cxc: 042,053
- Daewoo: 004,005,009,017,018,019,042,058,082,085,097,100,126,127,130,138
- Daytron: 004,009
- Dimensia: 000,031
- Dumont: 004,121
- Dynasty: 042
- Elektra: 001
- Electroband: 002,014
- Electrohome: 003,004,009,022,133
- Emerson: 004,009,014,023,024,025,035,036,037,038,039,040,041,042,043,045,049,051,053,116,135,147,155,177,179,189,198
- Envision: 004,009
- Fisher: 013,049,180,209
- Fujitsu: 051,197
- Funai: 042,051,053,155,189,198
- Futuretec: 042,053
- Ge: 000,003,004,009,015,022,031,044,052,054,055,087,092,103,107,125,164
- Gibralter: 004,121
- Grundy: 051,053
- Hallmark: 004,009
- Harvard: 053
- Hitachi: 001,004,009,013,059,060,061,088,091,137,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,179,210
- Haier: 216,217
- Ima: 053
- Infinity: 062
- Inteq: 121
- Janeil: 174
- Jbl: 062
- Jcb: 002
- Jc penny: 000,004,005,008,009,015,022,030,031,052,054,055,087,105,107,109,172
- Jensen: 004,009
- Jvc: 013,054,055,060,065,067,089
- Kawasho: 002,004,009
- Kaypani: 175
- Kec: 042
- Kenwood: 004,009
- Kloss novabeam: 068,069,174
- Ktv: 014,021,042,053,070,116,177
- Lg (goldstar): 044,005,009,056,057,155,156,172
- Lodgenet: 000,001
- Loewe: 062,211
- Logik: 000,001
- Luxman: 004,009
- Lxi: 000,004,009,015,031
- Megatron: 009,059
- Magnavox: 004,008,009,062,068,069,074,075,077,089,163,165
- Majestic: 000,001
- Konka: 016,047,066,157,148,176
- Marantz: 004,009,062
- Megatron: 004,009,059
- Mb: 014
- Memorex: 000,001,004,009,049,051,135
- Mga: 004,005,009,022,051,180
- Midland: 015,054,055,107,121,172
- Minutz: 052
- Mitsubishi: 004,005,009,022,051,081,089,132,180
- Montgomery ward: 000,001
- Motorola: 003,173
- Mtc: 004,005,009,014,105,109
- Multitech: 053
- Multivision: 084
- Nad: 004,009,109,185
- Nec: 003,004,005,009,010,085,089,095
- Nikei: 042
- Nikko: 004,009,058
- Ntc: 058
- Onking: 042
- Onwa: 042,053
- Optimus: 170,185
- Optonica: 095,173
- Orion: 035,121,135
- Panasonic: 003,051,055,062,070,148,170,171
- Philco: 003,004,005,008,009,062
- Philips: 003,004,006,008,062,068,069,074,075,077,086,087,089,163,183,184,205,206,207,208,212,213
- Pilot: 004
- Pioneer: 004,009,090,179,185
- Portland: 004,005,009,058
- Price club: 105
- Precision: 166
- Prism: 055
- Proscan: 000,015,031,107
- Proton: 004,009,093,175,186,192
- Pulsar: 121
- Pulser: 004
- Quasar: 003,054,055,062,070,148,170,171
- Radio shack: 000,004,009,031,041,042,048,049,053,095,155,170,172,194
- Realistic: 000,004,009,031,041,042
- RCA: 000,003,004,005,007,009,011,015,048,082,092,094,096,098,101,102,103,107,113,125,129,067,179,187,188,191,194
- Rhapsody: 014
- Runco: 121
- Sampo: 004,009,046,172,175
- Samsung: 004,005,009,015,104,105,106,109,172
- Samsux: 009
- Sansui: 135,136
- Sanyo: 004,013,049,108,110,180,209
- Scotch: 004,009
- Scott: 004,009,024,035,042,051,053
- Sears: 000,004,009,013,015,031,049,051,105,107,109,110,180,189
- Speltravisio: 203
- Sharp: 004,009,079,095,111,112,114,122,123,124,173
- Shogun: 004
- Signature: 000,001,023
- Simpson: 008
- Sonic: 014
- Sony: 002,006,071,128
- Soundesign: 004,008,009,042,051,053
- Squareview: 189
- Sss: 004,042,053
- Starlite: 053
- Supre-macy: 174
- Supreme: 002
- Sylvania: 004,008,009,062,068,069,074,075,077,155,161,163,189,198
- Symphonic: 003,053,155,189,198
- Tandy: 173
- Tatung: 003
- Technics: 054,055
- Techwood: 004,009,054,055
- Teknika: 000,001,004,005,008,009,013,042,051,053,058,105,109,170,174
- Telecaption : 117
- Telerent: 000,001
- Tera: 004,186
- Tmk: 004,009
- Toshiba: 013,049,089,105,109,117,118,120,159,178
- Universal: 052,087
- Victor: 060
- Vidtech: 004,005,009
- Viking: 174
- Wards: 000,001,004,005,008,009,024,031,033,051,052,062,068,069,074,075,087,095,119
- White Westinghouse: 097,100,130,155
- Yamaha: 004,005,009
- Zenith: 000,001,004,023,038,058,059,064,073,121,135,136,153
How to Program Jumbo Universal Remote?
To get the Jumbo Universal Remote working with your particular TV brand or model, you will have to first get the codes for your TV. You can browse through the list of TV codes that we have listed above. Once you have the right code, you can then program your Remote. There are two ways to program your Jumbo Universal Remote to your TV.
There are two models of the Jumbo Universal Remotes. You have the standard Jumbo Remote and a special Jumbo Remote Glow. The second model from the Jumbo Universal Remote has glow-in-the-dark buttons, which is perfect if you want to use it in a dimly lit room or just in a dark room itself. Luckily both follow same process for programming.
Program Jumbo Universal Remote via Manual Code Method
The simple way to program the Jumbo Universal Remote to your TV is by entering the code manually into the remote to pair it with your TV. This is the method where you will be required to use the 3-digit codes from the codes list above.
- Power up your TV that you wish to control with Jumbo Universal Remote.
- Press the TV button on the Jumbo Universal Remote while pointing towards TV.
- Press the Code Search button for three seconds till the light stays on.
- Now enter the code that you got for your TV from the list above.
- If the code is correct, the light will turn off.
- However, if the light flashes, you will have to use another code.
- Once you have found the correct code, test the remote with your TV.
This is how you can program the Jumbo Universal Remote by using the manual code entry method to program it to your TV. It’s a simple and easy process and shouldn’t take you quite long.
Program Jumbo Universal Remote via Code Search Method
If you don’t find the code for your TV, you can follow this method. This is the typical method that a lot of universal remote controllers follow. Here are the steps for the Jumbo Universal Remote.
- Switch on your TV by pressing the power button on the TV itself.
- Grab the Jumbo Universal Remote and point it at your TV. You need to press and hold the Code Search button on the remote.
- Keep the button pressed for three seconds until the light on the remote stays lit up.
- On the Jumbo Universal Remote, press the TV button. The light will blink once and stay on.
- Now, release and press the power button on the remote very slowly.
- Keep repeating the process until your TV finally switches off.
- When the TV switches off, press the Enter button on the remote. This will lock the code for your TV.
And this is how you can program the Jumbo Universal Remote to your TV via the Code Search Method. This is a good way to program the remote in case the codes do not work or if your TV brand is not listed in the codes list.
Other Things To Do With The Jumbo Universal Remote
Apart from just programming the Jumbo remote to work with your TV, did you know that you can also use the same remote to retrieve the code for your TV? Let’s dive into this,
Retrieve Code For Your TV with Jumbo Universal Remote
- Turn on your TV. Press and hold the Code Search button on Remote for three seconds. The light will stay on.
- Next, press the TV button on the remote. The light will blink once on your remote.
- Now, press the number buttons starting from 0 and work your way towards 9.
- When the light blinks, note down the number.
- Repeat this process three more times.
- Once you get the third number, the remote light will turn off.
This is how you can retrieve the 3-digit code for your TV if you don’t find it on the list.
Program Sleep Setting with Jumbo Universal Remote
The Sleep Setting can also be done using the Jumbo Universal Remote. These are steps that you need to follow.
- Switch your TV on.
- Press and hold the Sleep button on the Jumbo Universal Remote until the light stays on.
- Now, using the number keys on your remote, press the number to determine how many minutes you would like to put the TV to sleep.
- You can set anywhere between 01 and 99 minutes.
- During this process, ensure that your remote is pointing towards the TV.
- Your Sleep timer is now active.
- If you want to cancel the sleep timer, either press the power button once or simply keep the Sleep button pressed until the light flashes once.
Q. Is the Jumbo Universal Remote Rechargeable?
No, these remotes require you to insert two Double A batteries. The remote has no rechargeable batteries
Q. Does the Jumbo Universal Remote have Bluetooth pairing?
No. The Jumbo Universal Remote does not have Bluetooth, hence cannot be used to pair with Bluetooth devices.
Q. What devices can be programmed with the Jumbo Universal Remote?
You can program TVs, DVD Players, VCRs Cable Boxes, and even Satellite Boxes with the Jumbo Universal Remote.
This concludes how easy it is to program your Jumbo Universal Remote with your TV. As long as you follow the steps in our guide, there should not be any problems with programming the Jumbo Universal Remote to your TV. Do you have questions or queries? Drop them below.
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