How to split screen Windows 11 using Snap Layouts

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Windows 11 does make the user experience more refined and above all a perfect one. There are of course a lot of new things that make a lot of sense in terms of visuals and performance. It has finally addressed the issues of multitasking and split screens. Of course, Windows 10 had a few features, but, Windows 11 takes it up a notch, and it does a very good job at it. Being able to multitask and have a split-screen on Windows 11 has become even better. And, if you are someone who multitasks a lot and has several windows open at the same time, here is a guide on how to split screen on Windows 11.

Windows 11 brings in a snap to layout styles as well as simple and easy ways to arrange your windows all on a single screen. It might not be that of an important feature for normal users, but multitaskers will know how useful it is. These simple features make life much easier to switch between multiple open windows at the same time itself. To know how to make use of the new split-screen features, read on to know more.

How to enable Split Screen on Windows 11

  1. Open up the Settings app. This can be done by opening the Start menu and clicking on the Settings option.
  2. With the Settings app open, and the System option highlighted, scroll the right-hand panel.
  3. Select the Multitasking option.
    how to split screen on windows
  4. Now, click on the toggle that says Snap Windows.
    how to split screen on windows
  5. You will need to click on the arrow to bring out the drop-down menu.
    how to split screen on windows
  6. These are all the conditions if selected to switch and snap the Windows, based on what the user decides to do.

How to Split Screen on Windows 11

Now that you have enabled the Snap Windows aka Snap Layouts option in Windows 11, you can now split your windows easily. There are two ways that you can follow.

Method 1

The first method is simple and easy. Al you have to do is click and hold the windowโ€™s title bar and either move it to the left or right of the screen. When you drag t. You will see the part of the screen fade a bit. Leave the window, and it will now be snapped to whatever side you wished it to be.

how to split screen on windows

In this method, you will be able to split two windows on the screen equally, at 50% each. The other way to get this done is by pressing the Windows and Left or Right arrow key. You can even use the up and down arrow keys to lace the window in any of the four quadrants.

Method 2

The second method is where you donโ€™t require the need to use arrow keys or drag windows to any side of the screen. This is the best new feature available in Windows 11.

how to split screen on windows
  • To snap an active window to any side of the screen, put your mouse pointer to the maximize button.
  • This will be the center icon which is towards the right of the Close button
  • When you hover over the icon, you will find a few layouts popping up.
  • There will be four layout styles available.
  • The first one is where you can split the screen between two windows equally.
  • The second layout divides the screen into the 60-40 ratio. This layout is also best used when you have two windows only.
  • Next is the third layout. This layout divides the screen into three windows. One window will get a full  50% screen area, while the other two windows will have a 25% screen area each.
  • You can shift them either to the right or to the left, depending on what you prefer.
  • And finally, we have the fourth panel. This is useful when you want to have four windows open at the same time.
  • In this layout, the windows will each be given a 25% area of the screen, meaning that they form a quadrant display on your desktop.


And this is how you can split your windows easily on a Windows 11 PC. Do note that the arrangements will change depending on the size of our screen. If you have a widescreen display, you will be easily able to fit at least 5 windows vertically with no issues. If you have any questions or queries about it, feel free to drop a comment below.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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