Smartphones are getting smarter day by day. While the latest Google Pixel 9 series focuses on new AI tools and features, people are still not using the features that have been available on them for years. One such feature is voicemail.
If you have not enabled it yet, read on to learn the steps to set up voicemail on Google Pixel 9 and older phones.
Voicemail is a feature offered by telecom operators that once enabled records, stores, and plays back voice messages. When someone calls a person and they are not available to take, the caller can leave a voicemail message in the mailbox. Setting up the voicemail is very easy and takes a few minutes. Read on to learn the steps.
How to Set Up Voicemail on Google Pixel Phones
If you have entered your mobile number under the Voicemail number section before, just jump to step 6. Else, follow the below steps to set it up from scratch by following the below steps:
Step 1: Open the Phone app on your Google Pixel phone.
Step 2: Tap on the three-dot icon at the top-right corner and select Settings from the available menu options.
Step 3: From the settings menu, click on Voicemail then select your SIM.
Step 4: Select Advanced Settings > Setup.
Step 5: Choose Voicemail number and enter your mobile number, then tap OK.
Step 6: Go back to the phone app and open the keypad.
Step 7: Long-press the 1 key on the keypad.
Step 8: Listen to the instructions to create your voicemail PIN and set up your account. Here, you will also be asked to add a voice message that you want the callers to hear when you will be unavailable to answer a call.
Under the Voicemail settings, you can also enable the option for Visual Voicemail, which you will see under a dedicated tab on the Phone app’s home screen in addition to the Favorites, Recents, and Contacts tab. For the unfamiliar, visual voicemail is an option on the latest phones through which users check their voicemail without making a phone call and entering the passcode.
Keep in mind that some carriers support visual voicemail, while others may not support this thing on the Phone app.
However, some carriers don’t support the visual voicemail in the Phone app, but they have a dedicated app for this, which you can install from the Play Store on your device. For instance, T-Mobile and AT&T have their dedicated apps available.
Wrapping Up
So, these are the steps you can follow to set up voicemail on Google Pixel 9 and older phones. If you want to access your voicemail from another smartphone, you can do it. For this, just dial your phone number, and when it goes to voicemail, press the pound or hash key (#) followed by the PIN you have created.
Do let us know if you have any questions related to the article.
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