How to Disable Tabs in File Explorer on Windows 11

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Windows 11 is quite a feature-rich operating system. Be it in terms of performance or the number of new features it’s been recently getting. Early this year, Microsoft released the tabs for File Explorer. This lets you open multiple instances of the File Explorer within one single window. While it helps in switching from one window to another window quickly, you are also saving up screen space and not cluttering your screen with a lot of windows.

However, the only problem with the tabbed File Explorer is that Microsoft hasn’t provided users a switch, or rather an option to enable or disable the tabbed styled File Explorer. Because, not everyone is a fan of the tabbed file explorer, it’s understandable. However, if you have been looking for a way to get rid of tabs from your File Explorer, you’ve come to the right palace! We will be taking a look at how you can disable the tabs in your File Explorer and make it feel like the usual regular File Explorer from Windows 10.

Disable Tabs on File Explorer

If you are eager to remove the tabs from File Explorer on your Windows 11 PC, you will first need to keep in mind a few things. First off, make sure you are running the latest version of Windows 11 on your PC. Next, you will also have to be downloading a third-party tool called ViveTool. With these thongs ready, you can follow these steps.

  1. If you don’t have the ViVe Tool, you might want to head over to this GitHub page to download the tool.
  2. The file size will be around 11 KB.
  3. Make sure to unzip the folder to reveal the contents.
  4. Copy the extracted folder to the C drive or to the drive on which Windows 11 is installed.
  5. Open up the Windows Terminal program by searching it from the Start menu.
  6. Make sure to run the terminal as an Administrator.
  7. Now, type in CD C(or whatever the letter of the drive is in which you’ve copied the ViveTool folder)
  8. Type in
    • vivetool /disable /id:37634385  and hit the enter key.
    • Also, type in, vivetool /disable /id:36354489 and run the command.
  9. Once the commands have successfully been run, you will have to restart your system.
  10. The tabs in File explorer on your Windows 11 PC will now be disabled.

If you plan to enable them back again, you can follow this guide to get the tabs in File Explorer on your Windows 11 PC.


This concludes the guide on how you can disable the tabs in File Explorer on your Windows 11 PC. Now, this is the only workaround to disable the tabs. Hopefully, we get to see a settings page made available for File Explorer where you will be able to toggle on and off the tabs for your File Explorer in Windows 11.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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