Find Songs on YouTube Music for Android by Humming

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YouTube Music is finally rolling out one of the most anticipated features ‘hum to search’ on its Android app. If you heard a song you liked and want to listen to the entire song on your phone, but you only remember some part of the lyrics or melody, you can now sing or hum to find the exact song on YouTube Music.

The new feature is now rolling out and if you see the waveform icon in the search next to the voice search icon, then the feature is available for you. If not, wait for the icon to show up after updating the app. To use this feature, simply tap the Search button in the YouTube Music app and then tap the new waveform icon.

This will open a gradient search page with the tag ‘Play, sing, or hum a song.’ Now you can hum or sing the part you remember and wait for the result. The Music app will then give you relevant music with the option to play it.

To perform the search again, just tap on the bigger waveform icon below the result. To close the result page tap the cross icon.

Google has had this feature in Google Search since 2020, so it’s not new for the Google ecosystem, but new to the YouTube Music app. The main YouTube app also has this feature since October 2023. If you don’t to where to find it in the YouTube app, tap the Search icon > Voice icon > Song. It also has a search page similar to YouTube Music.

The ‘hum to search’ feature for YouTube Music was in testing since March. And now finally it is rolling out to the users. Some users have already received the update, but it may take time for it to be fully rolled out. Make sure to keep your YouTube Music app to the latest version to increase your chances of getting the feature early.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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