Spider-Man 2 Release Date, Trailer, Gameplay, Platforms and More

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When it comes to Marvel Universe video games, the Spider-Man series has been the standout. Fans have enjoyed these games for years, particularly on older-generation consoles. Recently, new Spider-Man games have been released exclusively for PlayStation 5 and later made available on PC. Now, there is another highly anticipated Spider-Man game on the horizon. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming Spider-Man 2 game.

In this article, we will be talking about the release date, trailer, gameplay, and other information that is deemed important to the new Spider-Man 2 game.

Spider-Man 2 Release Date And Announcement

Spider-Man 2 was first revealed to the public at the PlayStation Showcase that was held in 2021. The reveal trailer showcases how Kraven wants to do anything and everything to fight off Spider-man. The release date in the reveal trailer stated that the game would be made available in 2023. You can check out the reveal trailer by clicking this link

Moving forward to 2023, we finally have got a release date. During the Summer Games Fest event that was held on June 8, we got to see a release date teaser trailer. The new Spider-man 2 game will now be released on October 20, 2023. You can check out the release date trailer by heading in here.

Spider-Man 2 Developer and Publisher

Since Spider-Man 2 is a PlayStation exclusive, the publisher for the game is none other than Sony Interactive Entertainment. Looking at the developers, Insomniac Games are behind Spider-Man 2, just like the previous two Spider-Man games.

Spider-Man 2 Gameplay

At this yearโ€™s PlayStation Showcase event which was held on May 25, we got our first look at the gameplay for Spider-Man 2. The new game will now let you play in New York where you can choose to play as Miles Morales and Peter Parker. Yes, you can easily switch between the two Spider-Men as and when you want. The game world is quite open and you will be easily able to swing around in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn.

Spider-Man 2 Release Date

The mission and the world will be exclusive to both Spider-Men The gameplay trailer shows off how you can easily tackle your enemies and even get to stealthily trap them and leave them stuck in your web. The lizard chase sequence that you watch in the gameplay reveal trailer is quite action-packed. Watch the gameplay reveal trailer over here. There are new combat systems in place for Spider-Man 2 such as thunder burst, chain lightning ability as well as web grabber.

Spider-Man 2 Platform Availability and Multiplayer

Since this is a PlayStation exclusive, you will not be seeing the game being released on other platforms anytime soon. We could hope for a PC port of the game in the later years. The game will be released only on the PlayStation 5. PlayStation 4 fans will have to sadly sit this one out. Also, the Spider-man 2 game will not be featuring any type of online or local co-op modes. This will be a complete single-player-only Spider-Man 2 game.

Spider-Man 2 Pre-Order Rewards

The game is already available for Pre-Order right now on the PlayStation Store. When you pre-order any version of the game, you get the following rewards.

  • Archknight Suit + 3 Color Variants
  • Shadow Spider Suit + 3 Color Variants
  • Web grabber gadget
  • 3 Skill Points

Spider-Man 2 Game Editions

The new Spider-man 2 game will be available in three different versions for you to purchase. The three editions are as follows

  • Standard Edition
  • Deluxe Edition
  • Collector’s Edition

Spider-Man 2 Deluxe Edition – What Do You Get?

Here is what you get when you purchase the Deluxe Edition of the Spider-Man 2 game for your PS5.

  • Tactical Suit
  • Aurantia Suit
  • 25th Century Suit
  • Stone Monkey Suit
  • Apocalyptic Suit
  • Agimat Suit
  • Red Spectre Suit
  • Encoded Suit
  • Biomechanical Suit
  • Tokusatsu Suit
  • Additional Photo Mode Items
  • 2 Skill Points
  • Pre-Order Content

Spider-Man 2 Collector’s Edition – What Do You Get?

The collectorโ€™s edition is the perfect game edition for those who are die-hard fans of Spider-man and love to collect anything and everything that is Spider-Man themed. Here is the list of things you get when you purchase the Spider-Man 2 Collectorโ€™s Edition game.

Spider-Man 2 Release Date
  • Tactical Suit
  • Aurantia Suit
  • 25th Century Suit
  • Stone Monkey Suit
  • Apocalyptic Suit
  • Agimat Suit
  • Red Spectre Suit
  • Encoded Suit
  • Biomechanical Suit
  • Tokusatsu Suit
  • Additional Photo Mode Items
  • 2 Skill Points
  • Pre-Order Content
  • Steelbook Display Case
  • 19 Inch Collector’s Edition Statue

This is everything that you need to know about the PS5-exclusive game: Spider-Man 2. The game is quite interesting and it will only get better once you get your hands on the game. The graphics and the different abilities that Spider-man has in this game are pretty good. Will you be pre-ordering the game, or simply deciding to wait it out until the game is released, and if any bugs that are there be fixed? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.


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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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