The PlayStation 5 is a great console and has a ton of new features and is worth the upgrade from the PS4. Now, the best feature that is present on the PS5 is the ability to share your games. How do you share games on your PS5 you ask? Well with the help of a feature called Console Sharing. If you are new to this feature or hearing it for the first time, this is the guide that will tell you everything about the Gameshare feature and how you can enable it.
Why is this a great feature you might ask? With this feature, you will be able to try and play a few games that a friend owns and see if it’s perfect for you. This is indeed a great way to demo a game and see if you like it. Well if you do, you can always purchase the game, thus expanding your game library. And yes, if you have a PS4, you would be able to make use of this feature too. Let’s get started.
How to Game Share on PS4 and PS5
Before we look at how one game shares on a PS4 or PS5, there are a few requirements that you need to have.
- You as well as your friend should have a PlayStation Plus subscription.
- Have a decent internet connection of at least 5MB/s.
- The game won’t be playable if not present in the personโs regional PlayStation store.
- The parental control level of the said game should match the visitor’s or friends’ parental control settings.
- The visitorโs age should be above the one mentioned on the age rating for the particular game.
Enable Screen Share on PS5 – Create a Voice Party
Before you get into creating screen share on your PS5, you first need to create a voice party. Follow these steps:
- Power up your PS5 and connect it to the Internet.
- Now press the button that says PS. This action will open up the control center.
- Select Game Base from the control center.
- Navigate over to the Parties tab and select Start Party.
- You can choose between creating an Open Party or a Closed One.
- With an open party, any of your friends can join right away. Whereas with the closed party, you can allow a selected number of players to join the party.
Start Screen Share on PS5
- With the Voice Party running, press the PS button to launch the control center.
- Now, select the party voice chat card.
- Choose the Start Screen Share option to begin sharing your screen.
- Once you are done sharing the screen with your friend on a PS5, you can simply select the Stop Screen Share option.
- While you are screen sharing, only the audio and video of the game will be shared. No other screens or audio will be shared.
Watch Another Screen on PS5
If your friend has asked you to join the voice party and then also asked you to join the screen share, these are the steps that you will need to follow.
Join a Voice Party
- Power up your Console and connect it to the Internet.
- Press the PS button to open the control center.
- Now, select Game Base and select the Parties tab.
- You will now see a list of parties under the Joinable tab.
- Now select the party and choose Join.
- If a friend invites you over to a voice party, you can select the notification and click on Join.
Now that you are in your friend’s voice party, here are the steps you need to follow if you wish to watch your friendโs screen.
Watch Yor Friendโs Screen on PS5
- Now that you are in the voice party, press the PS button.
- With the control center open, navigate and select the Notifications option.
- Choose the Share Screen option. You will now be able to watch your friendโs PS5 game screen.
- You can identify if the person is sharing a screen in the voice party when you see an On-Air icon.
Start Share Play on PS5
With this feature, you will be able to play a game with your friend on your PlayStation 5. But in order for your friend to be able to play the game with you, they will have to have an active PlayStation Plus subscription. Now that you and your friend have the subscription, you can follow these steps to start Share Play.
- Considering that you are in a voice party, press the PS button.
- Select the voice chat card from the control center.
- Now, select Share Play.
- All you need to do now is invite a player and then select the play mode.
- You can choose between Visitor playing as you or playing a game with a visitor
- This feature lets you play a game with one visitor at a time.
- If the player doesn’t have a PlayStation Plus subscription, they will not be able to play with the person on the PS5.
- If you have a friend that has enabled Share Play in your voice party, you can click on the voice party and then select Join Share Play.
- Once you are done with it, you can select Leave Share Play.
Share Play on PS4 Consoles
Now, even with your PS4, you will be able to Share play with your friends who have a PS4. Again, you will need to have an active PlayStation Plus subscription. Also, the Share Play session on a PS4 will last only upto an hour which will automatically close the session the minute the one-hour timer has been crossed.
- First, you will want to create a voice group on your PS4.
- On the home screen of your PS4, press the Up button on your controller.
- Now, select Party followed by Start Party.
- Again, you can choose between having an Open or a Closed party.
- Now, select Share Play from the Party screen.
- You can choose to select the visitor and then finally choose between allowing them to play as you or you play with them on your PS4.
And this is how you can share a game with your friends using a PS4 or a PS5. This is a simple and easy process as well as a great way to try out and experience a few games before you go out to purchase them. Considering that most of the games are now available digitally, the ability to share games with any friend from any part of the world has simply become an easy task. If you have any queries, feel free to leave them in the comments below.
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