How to Download & Install Google Chrome on M1 Macs (Guide)

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Apple has recently unveiled that their Apple M1 chip which is more powerful than the existing chips right now. And Apple Macs will now run on their own Apple chips instead of the Intel chips. Many users have tried Google Chrome on their Mac that features the Apple M1 Chip. But they found it unusable as it was crashing every time. And so here we have a guide for you. Here’s how to download Google Chrome for Mac with Apple M1 chip along with the installation instructions.

Google Chrome is a browser that works based on the operating system. Then you must be wondering why you are not able to run Google Chrome on M1 Macs even if you download it for Mac. It is a common issue because the newer M1 chip has a different architecture. It means many Apps that you are using on older Macs may not work. And so Google Chrome browser is also not working properly.

Google Chrome is a popular browser and even many Mac users use it as the default browser. And once many M1 mac users reported about the issue, Google immediately responded that they will bring the fix. And now Mac with Apple M1 chip has a separate Google Chrome that you can download and install using this guide.

Download Google Chrome for M1 Macs

Google Chrome is a powerful browser that eats a lot of resources. And Apple M1 has got everything that the browser requires to run flawlessly. Apple Safari browser also received a major update with the macOS Big Sur that brings a lot of new features and improvements. But still, most users prefer Google Chrome for its better interactive UI.

When Google Browser first released specifically for M1 Mac, there were still some issues with the browser. And recently Google updated the browser that fixes the crashing and other issues. As the browser is officially available which means you can use the standard method for downloading it. You can download Google Chrome for your Mac with M1 chip using the steps given below.

  1. Open the web address on your Mac.
  2. You will see the Download Chrome button. Click the button to initiate the process.
  3. It will pop up a screen with few options. Click on the ‘Mac with Apple Chip’.Google Chrome for M1 Mac
  4. And now follow the instructions in the browser.
  5. After downloading it, you can install the Google Browser on your M1 Mac.

The latest version of Google Browser comes without any bugs. So you may be finally able to use your favorite browser without any issues.

In case if you want to update your browser you can do that directly from the browser Settings. Yes, you can update to the latest version with the standard process.

As Apple M1 is clearly one of the most powerful chips out there. You will be amazed by the Google Chrome performance. It can easily handle any heavy tasks and multi-tabs. 

One of TechCrunch’s contributors Matthew Panzarino managed to open 400 tabs in Google Chrome browser on his Macbook Pro with M1 chip in it. It is a high number and practically we are not going to open that amount of tabs for personal and even development work.

So there you have it, the full guide on how to get Google Chrome on M1 Macs. The latest version of the Google Chrome browser works great without crashing or other major bugs. In case if you have any queries then let us know in the comment section.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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