How to Check Last Active Status on Snapchat

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Snapchat is one of the most privacy-focused platforms on all the popular social media platforms. It tells you who took a screenshot of your story, chat page, saved snaps, etc., which other platforms don’t tell.

That said, while you can know when a user was last online on WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. There is no official way to know this on Snapchat, obviously, due to privacy.

But that does not mean you can’t determine when a friend was online on the platform. There are a few things through which you can know the last active status of a friend on Snapchat.

How to Check Last Active Status on Snapchat

Snapchat shows a green dot next to the user’s Bitmoji when he or she is online on the platform. However, users can turn on or off this feature as per their choice, and when they turn it off, you will not see the green dot on their profile whenever they go online.

However, the platform does not have an option to turn on or off the last seen. It does not show the time when a user was last online on the platform. To check this out, you need to go through the workarounds. Read on to learn this.

Check out Snap Maps

You can easily find the last seen status of a user via Snap Maps. To check the activity of a Snapchat friend, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Open the Snapchat app and tap on the map pin tab from the bottom menu.

Check out Snap Maps

Step 2: Tap on your friend’s bitmoji from the map.

Step 3: On the next screen, you should see when they were last seen on the platform under their name.

Check Their Story

You can also know when someone was last seen by checking their story. However, this cannot be accurate all the time, as the user might have used the app for some time after uploading the story. Also, if the user has not created a story for a while, you will not be able to get an accurate timestamp when he or she is online. To view someone’s story, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open the Snapchat app on your device.

Step 2: Click on the Stories tab from the bottom. It looks like a two-person shape, similar to the contacts icon.

Check Their Story

Step 3: Tap on the friend’s story whose last seen you want to know.

Step 4: On the next screen, you can find when someone created a story at the top.

Send and Observe a Chat

Snapchat shows a status for sent snaps or messages. When you send a message, it will show “Delivered,” but as soon as the recipient reads or sees your snap or message, the status will change to Opened. So, if you are spying on a friend, just send a message to them on the platform, then wait and constantly look to find out. Once you see Opened, the user is now online.

Send and Observe a Chat

Check for Their Snaps

Snapchat shows a timestamp when someone sends you a snap next to the message in the chat window. If someone has recently sent you a message or snap, you can check for the timestamp.

Check for Their Snaps

To do so, just open the Snapchat app. Head over to the chat, look for their last message, and see the time next to it. However, checking someone’s last message does not tell you when someone was last online. The user might have used the app for some time after sending you a snap. It’s also possible that he or she might not send you a message from a while.

Check Their Snapscore

Monitoring Snapscore can also give you a hint if someone is online on the platform. A snapscore on the platform tells how active you have been. It increases as you post stories, send or receive snaps, etc. Here’s how you can check Snapscore:

Step 1: Open the Snapchat app and tap on your Bitmoji at the top left side.

Step 2: Tap on My Friends, then head over to the friend whose snap score you want to check.

Step 3: Long-press on the friend’s name, then tap on View Friendship.

Step 4: On the next page, you will see a Snapchat icon with some numbers next to it. This is nothing else but your friend’s snap score.

Check Their Snapscore

Step 5: Note it down, and after a few minutes, check it again.

If the snap score changes (goes up), it means the friend is online in the period when you last checked the score.

Check Your Story Views

You can also check the views of your story to see who was recently active. In the story views, the friends who appear at the top were recently active on the platform. Here’s how you can check it out:

Step 1: Tap on your Bitmoji at the top.

Step 2: Click on your story.

Step 3: On the next page, tap the eyeball icon at the bottom.

Step 4: You will then see the list of users who viewed your story.

If a user has viewed your story, it means they have been online in the timespan when you last checked the list but have not found their name.

Turn On the Story Notification

Snapchat has a Story Notification, which alerts users when a friend adds a story on the platform. If your friend frequently adds a story, you can use this feature to get a notification whenever he or she goes online. Here’s how you can do this:

Step 1: Open the Snapchat app and tap on the Bitmoji.

Step 2: Tap on the gear icon to visit settings.

Step 3: Click on Notifications and enable the checkbox for Stories from Friends.

Turn On the Story Notification

Step 4: To enable notifications for a particular friend, click on Manage Story Notifications. Select the friend and tap Done.

So, these are some of the best ways through which you can check the last active status on Snapchat. While these methods are not foolproof, you can use all of them to know when someone is online on the platform. If you liked this article, share it with your friends and family. Also, do let us know if you have any questions regarding the article.

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Harsh Saxena

Hi! I am Harsh and I write about technology on different websites. I frequently write about these topics and cover them. I am available on Twitter at @Harsh4saxena or Email me at to send in your feedback and tips. Worked at GadgetsToUse, BrowserToUse, DailyTechByte, FreshFounder, and with many other websites as an author and researcher.

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