Android 15 to Revamp Status Bar Indicators & Icons

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Android 15 is being cooked as we speak, and there will be a lot of interesting things with the operating system. While the first beta for Android 15 is set to be released this month, there are a good number of features as well as changes discovered with the developer previews of Android 15.

While all of that is great, there is something new coming with Android 15. Android Authority, a very notable publisher for all things Android-related, has reported that Google is planning to bring new status bar icons with Android 15.

If you have been an Android user since the Android Lollipop or Marshmallow days, you might have seen the introduction of the Material Design styling. This styling brought out flat icons for various status bar indicators such as the mobile network, WiFi network as well as battery icons. Android Authority has now reported that Google seems to be ditching the flat style icons for newer segmented style icons.

android 15 status bar design leak
IMG Source: Android Authority

The new changes will now bring in the iPhone-styled WiFi indicator and a Samsung One UI-styled network indicator. With regard to the battery icon, the battery icon will now display the battery percentage inside the icon itself. If you think about it, the new Android 15 status bar icons will resemble a lot like the iPhone and the Samsung range of smartphones.ย 

What phones will be seeing these newer status bar icons? All Android phones that come with stock Android are out of the boxes. Devices from brands such as Nokia, Motorola, and Google’s own Pixel lineup will be featuring these icons. Other OEM devices will feature status icons based on the Android skins they are running.

android 15 status bar design leak
IMG Source: Android Authority

So, what do you think about the new status bar icons which will be implemented with Android 15 and beyond? Is it something that you are looking forward to, or do you prefer the flat icon style status bar icons?

Do you think colored status icons should make a comeback? Share your thoughts down below.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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