Android 12 is now almost at its final beta testing, which means it is going to release to the public soon.
Android 12 brings a lot of new features, especially the whole new UI for lock screen, quick settings, notification panel, recent apps, widgets and much more.
IMG: Unsplash
And obviously like other Android updates, Android 12 will also come with a new easter egg. Actually it's already leaked.
IMG: Unsplash
The new Easter Egg is here!
Video: MIshaal Rahman
The new easter egg is based on Material You dynamic coloring. What it means is the easter egg will adapt your wallpaper color.
Video: MIshaal Rahman
Android 12 easter egg animation is quite amusing, an analog clock in which you can move its hand and when it strikes 12, colorful bubbles will burst.
Video: MIshaal Rahman
There are a bunch of backgrounds available in the new easter egg. So mostly when you access easter eggs, you will find something different.
Video: 9to5Google
As of now it is not available on any Android 12 beta. The leak has been confirmed by Mishaal Rahman, editor in chief at XDA.