Ashutosh Singh
January 26, 2024
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is the new talk in the town after its launch on January 17.
Reviewers are now testing the Galaxy S24 Ultra's performance as well as its durability.
An interesting test that many users are interested in is the device drop test.
PBKReviews was one of the first reviewers to drop test the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Here are the results.
Video: PBKReviews
The Galaxy S24 Ultra received a few scratches in the impact area when dropped from waist height and a small crack in the top right corner.
Video: PBKReviews
A drop test on the back from waist height left no marks except minor scratches on the lower frame. The cameras were unaffected.
Video: PBKReviews
The third drop was meant to fall on the side frame but it fell on the screen side. However it passed the test without any problems.
Video: PBKReviews
In each test, the devices suffered minor scratch damage in the area of impact, which is common.
Video: PBKReviews
After all the tests the device was in working condition without any issues. There isn’t any major improvement compared to S23 Ultra, but still a durable device.
Video: PBKReviews