Ashutosh Singh

Samsung implements Seamless Updates - How it works?

March 22, 2024

Galaxy A55 received an update recently and this update also brought a seamless update feature.

Galaxy A55 is the first phone to get Seamless update but it should be coming to Galaxy phones.

The update that can be installed in the background even when you are using the phone.

What are Seamless Updates?

The update that can be installed in the background even when you are using the phone.

The seamless update is installed in partition B when you are using the phone in Partition A.

How is it possible?

IMG: Unsplash

For updates to take effect you still need to restart your device. Obviously, you will not be able to use your phone during restart.

The update Galaxy A55 received has two tabs, Downloading and installing and Verification.

The installation happens in phase 1, while the verification phase refers to restart.