Have a good collection of wallpapers? Then, you can set it as a dynamic wallpaper on your iPhone or iPad.
IMG: Unsplash
Here's how you can set dynamic wallpaper, which automatically changes the wallpaper on your phone whenever you want.
IMG: Unsplash
At first, create a new album of wallpapers you want to use on your iPhone. You can easily do it in Photos app, by following this video.
Video Courtesy: YTECHB.com
Let's Begin!
Once done, the album will look like this. Now open the Shortcuts app and create a new shortcut.
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Now search for "Find Photos" action and add filter for Wallpapers album, which we've created recently.
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Moving to the next options, then tap on Random for Sort and set Limit to Get 1 Photo. That's it.
Video Courtesy: YTECHB.com
Now search for a new action "Set Wallpaper", tap on the drop down icon and disable Show Preview option.
Video Courtesy: YTECHB.com
Create a Personal Automation, then set time as Sunrise and repeat as Daily. Then set action as Run Dynamic Wallpapers Shortcut.
Video Courtesy: YTECHB.com
Last Step!
Now you'll get a fresh home screen every day. You can set automation according to your choice. You can also add this shortcut bookmark on your home screen.
IMG: Unsplash
If you're looking for some amazing home screen wallpapers, then you can swipe up to this slide. Also, follow us @YTECHB on Twitter for more stories.