Ashutosh Singh
March 1, 2024
Early this year, Apple launched its much awaited Mixed Reality headset dubbed Vision Pro.
IMG: Unsplash
No doubt the new product from Apple is the best among AR VR headsets but it also costs a lot compared to others.
The Vision Pro starts from $3500 and for the 1TB variant it's even higher.
A new report reveals how much it cost Apple to make one Vision Pro. Here are the report findings.
The total manufacturing cost (BOM) of Vision Pro is around $1542.
IMG: Unsplash
The most expensive component is the micro OLED main display that cost $456.
IMG: Unsplash
Then comes SoC at $240 followed by Camera at $150.
This is the hardware cost of Vision Pro, but there are additional costs like assembling, marketing and more.
IMG: Apple
However $3500 is still a big amount, more than double of the hardware cost.
IMG: Apple