Amazon’s famous Prime Days are coming soon. As you would expect, it will be held on the 12th and 13th of July, 2022.
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This year, apart from all the great deals, Amazon is offering more than 30 games for free this month on the occasion of Amazon Prime Day.
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Although, Amazon saved popular titles for Prime Days (12 & 13 July), some of the games are already up for grab for free. Here are all games you can claim for free.
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- GRID Legends - Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Need for Speed Heat - Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 – Jedi Outcast - Star Wars: Jedi Knight – Jedi Academy - Star Wars: Republic Commando
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- 10 Second Ninja X - 8Doors: Arum’s Afterlife Adventure - Addling Adventures - Bang Bang Racing - Clouds & Sheep 2 - Death Squared - Fatal Fury Special
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- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Gone Viral - HUE - Manual Samuel - Metal Slug 2 - Metal Unit - Pumped BMX Pro - Puzzle of the Year – 0 Pack
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- Rain World - Road Trip – 3 Pack - Samurai Shodown 2 - Serial Cleaner - Star Wars Republic Commando - The Crow’s Eye
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- The Darkside Detective - The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark - The King of Fighters 2000 - The King of Fighters 2002 - The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor
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If you do not have an Amazon Prime account, now is the time to create one with free trial to claim 30+ games for free.
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Apart from these, monthly freebies are now also available for free: Maniac Mansion, Suzerain, Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark, and Fishing: North Atlantic.
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