How to Root Xiaomi Mi A1 Using Magisk

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It’s more than a year since Xiaomi Mi A1 launch and if you are planning to root the device. Here is the guide on How to Root Mi A1 using Magisk Zip and TWRP Recovery.

Rooting gives more control to users over their phones. And if you want to customize, debug and test custom ROMs then you must Root your phone. Rooting is just a small step in the development field, but it is important. Mi A1 is Xiaomi’s first ever Android One device which has recently got the Pie update. So if you are in any version of Android in Mi A1, this method will work. Official TWRP Recovery is already available for Mi A1, Download from here. It’s easy for you if you know how to install TWRP Recovery. Don’t worry I will also provide a guide to Install TWRP recovery.

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Note: This method will work with Mi A1 running on Android Nougat, Android Oreo, and Android Pie.

How to Install TWRP Recovery and Root Mi A1

As you know that rooting is not easy since the Google released security patches in early 2017. And the seamless rooting method is used after that, which is flashing SuperSU Zip or Magisk Zip. But everyone prefers to flash Magisk because it is easy to find and more reliable then SuperSU. And to flash these zip file you might have to Install TWRP Recovery first. You can also use any other custom recovery but I will only recommend TWRP as many zip files are patched according to TWRP recovery. Before we head to root Mi A1 you have to first look at its requirements.


  • Make sure that the phone has enough juice (battery more than 40%)
  • Take a full Nandroid backup to avoid data loss
  • Bootloader should be unlocked (Read this guide)
  • ADB and Fastboot should be installed on PC.


To Install TWRP Recovery and Root Mi A1 you need to first download some files. The links are given below of files used in this tutorial.

Note: Do not download Fastboot boot only Installer. Download the other one having less size.

So Now that you have downloaded the files you are now ready to root Mi A1.

Install TWRP Recovery on Mi A1

For this section, you need the first two TWRP files from the download section. Put the TWRP image file on your pc and TWRP Installer & Magisk Zip on your Mi A1.

  1. Place twrp image file (twrp-3.2.3-1-tissot.img) in C:\adb folder.root mi a1
  2. Power off your Mi A1.
  3. Boot into Fastboot mode (Press and Hold Volume Down + Power Button)
  4. Connect your Mi A1 to PC via USB.
  5. In ADB folder press “Shift and Right Click” on the empty area.root mi a1
  6. Now click on “Open PowerShell window here” or “Open CMD window here”.
  7. Type the following command and press enter to check if the device is connected or not.
    • fastboot device
  8. If you see a device id then Mi A1 is connected successfully.
  9. Again type the following commands and press enter to boot into TWRP.
    • fastboot boot twrp-3.2.3-1-tissot.img
  10. Remember twrp-3.2.3-1-tissot is the name of the image file, so if you have an image file with a different name use that one.
  11. The command will boot the Mi A1 into TWRP recovery.
  12. In TWRP recovery select Install option and locate TWRP Zip file that you downloaded from the link.root mi a1
  13. At last, swipe the slider to install TWRP recovery on Mi A1.root mi a1
  14. After a few seconds, the recovery will be installed and you can boot into System.

Now the tough part is completed and rooting Mi A1 will be easier.

Root Mi A1 using Magisk

Download the Magisk Zip file if you haven’t and transfer the zip file to the phones internal storage or an SD card.

  1. Switch off your Mi A1.
  2. Boot into TWRP recovery (Press and hold Volume Up + Power Button).
  3. Now in TWRP recovery go to Install section.root mi a1
  4. Then locate and select the Magisk Zip file.root mi a1
  5. Swipe the slider to confirm Magisk installation.root mi a1
  6. After a minute or less, your Mi A1 will be Rooted successfully.
  7. Reboot the device to the system and enjoy Rooted Mi A1.

So this is how to root Mi A1 phone. This process can also be used for other devices but the file will be different. We will share these type of guide very frequently so be updated if you like to learn about TWRP, Root, Magisk, SuperSu, Custom ROMs.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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