Samsung Galaxy S23’s Over The Horizon Ringtone is here (2023 version)

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The tradition continues. Samsung released a new version of Over the Horizon just hours before the launch of the Galaxy S23 series. The company releases a new Over the Horizon ringtone version almost every year with a new premium Galaxy device launch.

The last two Over the Horizon ringtones were created by a BTS member, while this time the creator is different. Over the Horizon 2023 is developed by Yaeji (Kathy Yaeji Lee), an American singer and DJ. She is known for electronic music. She became popular with her tune ‘Raingurl’ in 2017.

As usual, Samsung has posted the new Over The Horizon 2023 music on YouTube. The new OTH theme celebrates positivity and optimism in an evolving world. Over The Horizon is one of the iconic ringtones for Samsung phones, and with every new release, we get something new like this one developed by Yaeji.

Talking about the new theme, Yaeji recreated the popular theme with a fusion of electronic elements. The music is soft and playful with a touch of electronic instrumentation that makes the new theme harmonic.

Over The Horizon 2023 video is crafty with full of art and deep meaning. Stop motion art is used as a background to the new version of OTH which syncs perfectly with the rhythm.

As the new Over The Horizon 2023 or Over The Horizon from Samsung Galaxy S23 is available on YouTube for everyone. Since it’s available in video format we have extracted the MP3 audio that you can use as Ringtone on other phones. You can download the Galaxy S23’s Over The Horizon ringtone in mp3 from the given download link. After downloading you can crop the tune as per your liking.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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