Microsoft Recall is a new AI feature that was revealed to the public early this year. Windows Recall lets you easily fund anything and everything you may have done or searched on your Windows PC. Recall will take several screenshots throughout the day, stored in an encrypted form on your device’s storage drive. If you want to look for something, you can simply type in certain keyboards and Windows will pull up screenshots that match the keywords.
However, one thing to note is that this feature will only be available to select Windows 11 PCs. Yes! Not all Windows 11 users will be able to access the Windows Recall feature. Wondering what kind of systems and system requirements are needed to use Windows Recall? You’ve come to the right place.
Microsoft Recall for AMD and Intel Powered Systems
For a while, the Recall feature was only available for PCs powered by Snapdragon X SoCs. Microsoft has finally decided to expand the preview for Recall to PCs powered by Intel and AMD. However, this feature will be limited to the newer CPUs that come with a 40 teraflops NPU. Alongside Recall, Click to Do will also be available for these PCs.
Now, why is this information important? Well, if you plan to buy or build a new Windows PC to take advantage of the Microsoft Copilot set of tools, it’s good to know what hardware you need.
Microsoft Recall – System Requirements
Let’s first take a look at the system requirements needed to make use of the Recall feature.
- Windows 11 PC on Windows 11 Insider Program either on Canary or Dev channel.
- 16 GB RAM
- 256 GB SSD
- CPU with 8 logical processors
- NU with 40 teraflops
Additionally, the user will also need to have Windows Hello enhanced Sign-in security and have device encryption enabled
Microsoft Recall – Supported Copilot+ PCs
Now, there have been a few OEM brands as well as PCs from Microsoft that are Copilot+ ready. For the time being, there are a few systems, but coming 2025, you can expect a lot more of these types of systems.
- Acer Swift 14 AI
- ASUS Vivobook S 15 and ProArt PZ13
- Dell Latitude 7455, XPS 13, and Inspiron 14
- HP OmniBook X 14
- Lenovo Yoga Slim 7x and ThinkPad T14s
- Microsoft Surface Laptop Copilot+ PC
- Microsoft Surface Pro Copilot + PC
- Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge
Microsoft Recall – Supported CPUs
For now, there are a few CPUs that have support for Microsoft Recall. This is the list.
- AMD Ryzen AI 300 series
- Intel Core Ultra 200V series
- Snapdragon X Elite
- Snapdragon X Plus
Coming 2025, expect more new CPUs and Windows-powered systems that will be able to take advantage of Microsoft Recall and possibly even more AI tools that could be announced next year.
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