Best Ways to Limit Charge on Samsung Galaxy Phones

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If you want to limit the charging of your Samsung phone’s battery to a specific percentage, you have come to the right place. In this guide, I will share two effective methods to set a charge limit on Samsung Galaxy phones.

Every smartphone user understands the vital importance of a reliable battery. Although having a larger battery capacity contributes to longer usage times, it is not the only factor in ensuring longer battery life, especially as batteries degrade over time. Proper maintenance of battery health is equally important.

There are many ways to maintain good health of a device’s battery, especially in smartphones. For a comprehensive list of tips for maintaining good battery health, check out our detailed guide. One important point to keep the battery healthy is to prevent overcharging your device. An effective way to achieve this is to set a specific percentage limit on the charging level.

Almost every smartphone OEM includes a feature design to protect the battery by limiting charging to 80% or 85%. This feature goes by various names across different brands. For instance, In Samsung, it is called Protect battery.

In this guide, I will walk you through two ways to set the charging limit on your Samsung phone. If you prefer to customize the battery charge limit to a percentage of your choice, the second method will be best suited for you. If you want to limit the charge to 85% then follow the first method. This is the default percentage set on Samsung phones if the feature is enabled.

How to Limit Charge to 85% on Galaxy Phones

As mentioned earlier, this can be done by enabling the Protect Battery feature. Here’s how to do it.

How to Limit Charge on Samsung Galaxy Phones
  1. Open Settings on your Samsung Phone.
  2. Now open Battery settings.
  3. Here you will find Protect Battery, turn on the toggle.

Once the feature is enabled, charging will stop when the device reaches 85%. This will prevent battery damage and help maintain battery health.

Limit Charge on Galaxy Phones using Routines

Yes, you can use Routines to set the battery charging limit. This option is ideal if you wish to customize the charging cap to your preferred percentage. Below, I’ll guide you through the process of setting up a routine on your Samsung phone to manage the charge limit. This method also uses ‘Protect Battery’ feature, as you’ll see in the steps that follow.

How to Limit Charge on Samsung Galaxy Phones
  1. Open Settings on your Galaxy Phone.
  2. Scroll down and open Modes and Routines.
  3. Now switch to the Routines tab.
  4. Tap on the + icon to add a new routine.
  5. Under If section, tap on Add and choose Charging Status and select Charging (Wired and Wireless).
    • Then under Add condition, select Battery Level and set a percentage. For condition select Equal or Above.
      How to Limit Charge on Samsung Galaxy Phones
  6. Now for Then condition, search for Protect Battery, select it and make sure its On, then tap Done.
    How to Limit Charge on Samsung Galaxy Phones
  7. After setting up everything tap Save to complete the routine.

Now when you charge your phone, Protect Battery will turn on only when the charging reaches the level you set in the routine, and not at 85%.

It is recommended to avoid charging the device to 100%, and also avoid discharging it below 20%. The ideal battery level for using the phone is between 20% to 80%. Here are some battery related guides, you might be interested in.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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