How to Stop Automatic Updates on Windows 11 [5 Methods]

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Gone are the days when you had complete freedom over choosing and installing updates on your Windows PC. Newer versions of the Windows OS now will generally download the updates and sometimes install it as and when it feels like if you havenโ€™t configured the update settings. Seeing a system suddenly installing updates and asking to be restarted can be annoying especially when you are in the middle of some important work. If you are someone who is troubled by such updates, here is a guide on how to stop Windows 11 updates.

While Windows 11โ€™s launch is just around the corner, it would be best to know how to stop these updates from downloading and installing. Why would you want to stop the updates? Well, Microsoftโ€™s updates are known to fix things and break some more things. Well, not all updates are bad, but yes it can get annoying. While it is good to be protected from attacks by staying on the latest updated version of Windows, not everyone is a fan of these updates. Letโ€™s take a look at some of the ways that you can follow to stop automatic updates on Windows 11 PC.

How to stop Windows 11 updates

Set Network Connection as Metered Connection

One of the easiest ways to avoid Windows updates being downloaded in the first place is by setting your network as a metered connection. A metered connection can be defined as a network that has a limited amount of bandwidth and crossing the limit will incur extra charges.

  1. Open the Settings app on your Windows 11 PC.
  2. Select the Network and Internet menu.
  3. If you wish to set your currently connected network as a metered connection, click on the Properties option.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  4. You will now see various properties and settings that can be enabled for the network.ย 
  5. Scroll a bit down to where you see the Metered Connection toggle.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  6. Switch the toggle on to have the current network as a metered one.
  7. In this way, Windows will not download any updates unless you check for them or connect to a non-metered network.
  8. However, do note that updates are necessary or very important, will begin to download right away.

Pause Windows 11 Updates

With Windows 10, a new feature was released to let users choose when the updates should be downloaded and installed. It might not be a permanent way to stop the updates, but it does work as a temporary option. Here are the steps on how to pause updates on Windows 11.

  1. Open the Settings app and click on the Windows Update option.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  2. You will be taken to the Windows Update screen.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  3. Below, More Options you will see the Pause Updates option.
  4. Click on the button next to it that says Pause for 1 week.
    how to stop updates on windows 11
  5. When this is done, the Windows Update service will not check for any kind of updates for a week.
  6. Once the week passes, the Update service will resume checking for updates.
  7. You can always go ahead and pause the updates for another week if you remember it.
  8. To resume checking for updates, simply click on the Resume Now button.

Stop Windows Update Service

The Windows Update service is what checks and provides updates to your Windows 1 PC. There is a way that you can use to disable this service to prevent updates from being downloaded to your system. Follow these steps

  1. Open the Start Menu and type in Run. Open the Run program when it shows up in the results
  2. The Run dialogue box will now appear.
  3. In the text box, type in services.msc and click on the OK button or simply hit the Enter key.
    how to stop updates on windows 11
  4. The services window will now show up. Here is where you will be able to see the list of all running and stopped services on your Windows 11 PC.
  5. Scroll through the list till you find the Windows Update service.
    how to stop updates on windows 11
  6. Now, double-click on the Windows Update service. The Windows Update service properties window will now open.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  7. Head over to Start Up type and select the drop-down menu. Choose the Disabled option from the list and click Ok.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  8. The PC will ask to be restarted. Give it a restart and now you have your Windows Updates disabled.
  9. To enable the updates again, simply follow the same steps and change it from Disabled to Automatic.
  10. You will have to restart to have the changes take place.

Stop Updates via Registry Editor

The Registry Editor is a great place where you can make a lot of changes in values to various elements of the OS. If you know what you will be doing, then it is the most useful tool. Follow these steps to stop Windows 11 updates.

  1. Open the Run Dialogue box. You can do this by using the Windows Key + R key.
  2. In the Run window, type in regedit and hit the Enter key.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  3. You will now see the Registry Editor window open up.
  4. Now, you must navigate to this particular path:
  5. You can search for this path via the tree folder on the left, or simply copy and paste it in the address bar of the window.
  6. Right-click the Windows folder and select New followed by Key.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  7. Set the keyโ€™s name to WindowsUpdate and save it.
  8. Now, right-click the newly created key and create a new key. Save the new key as AU.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  9. Right-click on the newly created AU key and select the D-WORD (32-bit) value.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  10. Name the created Value as NoAutoUpdate. To make changes to NoAutoUpdate, double-click it to edit the values.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  11. Set the value Data to 1 and the base to Hexadecimal. With the changes made, click Ok and restart your system.
    how to stop windows 11 update
  12. The changes have now been made and your system wot search or download any updates.
  13. To get the updates back, simply follow these steps and delete the created folders and values.

Stop Updates via Group Policy Editor

Before you could go ahead with this, youโ€™ll have to check if this feature is available on your Windows 11 PC. Windows 11 Pro versions will have this feature. If you donโ€™t, have it, itโ€™s fine. Any of the above methods will work great for you.

  1. Open the Run dialog using the Windows + R key
  2. Type in gpedit.msc and hit the Enter button.
  3. Once the Group Policy Editor opens up, navigate to the following:
  4. Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->Windows Components->Windows Update->Manage End User Experience
  5. Now, select Configure Automatic Update and change the value to Disabled.
    how to stop windows 11 updates
  6. Click on Apply, followed by the OK button.
  7. Restart your system to enable these changes. After the restart, the Windows Update service will now be stopped.
  8. You can undo these changes by selecting the Not Configured option.


These are the ways you can use to stop updates on your Windows 11 PC. While it might seem peaceful to stay away from the updates of Windows, it should also be noted that important updates should be installed, especially fixes for those zero-day vulnerabilities. After all, everyone wants to have a safe and secure system.

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Which of the afore-listed methods, did you find easy and useful to stop automatic updates on Windows 11? Let us know about it in the comments below.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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