How to get Xbox Game Bar Widgets Store on Windows 11

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Microsoft is always out and about bringing in new features to their line-up of hardware and software. One of the more interesting features that were introduced back in 2012  with the launch of Windows 8 were apps and the Microsoft App Store. This also brought in the Xbox services to Windows for the first time. With time, more Xbox services have improved in Windows 10 and have gotten even better in Windows 11. The Xbox Game Bar app has got a new feature that has finally made its way to Windows 11. Read on to know about Xbox Game Bar Widget Store.

The new feature that has rolled out to the Xbox Game Bar app is the Widget Store. A Widget Store, you may ask? Well, it is a store that lets you add new widgets and even third-party ones from different brands. This was previously available for Windows 10 users and has now finally been made available in Windows 11. If you are someone that games on a PC and makes a lot of use of the Xbox Game Bar, then here is a guide on how to get Xbox Game Bar Widgets Store on Windows 11.

Xbox Game Bar Widgets Store on Windows 11

Here is how you can make use of and get the new Widget Store features on your Xbox Game Bar app.

  1. First things first, download the Xbox Game Bar app from the Microsoft Store.
    how to get xbox game bar widget store on windows 11
  2. You will need to have a Microsoft Account as well as an Xbox account. So, if you do not have any of them, create these accounts now.
  3. If you already have the Xbox Game Bar app, make sure that you have updated it to the latest version.
  4. The new version can be downloaded from the Microsoft App Store itself, the app will weigh in at 45.3 MB.
  5. Once the app has been downloaded, you will have to launch it. Before you launch it, make sure to sign in with your Xbox account.
  6. To bring the Xbox Game Bar on the desktop, simply press the Windows and G key on your keyboard.
  7. The Xbox Game Bar will now show up on your desktop.
  8. In the middle of the screen at the top. You will see a row with various kinds of shortcuts. Click on the tile that is to the right of the Xbox logo.
  9. This will open up the Widgets Menu.
    how to get xbox game bar widget store on windows 11
  10. You will now see a list of default widgets that you can add to the left and right of your screen.
  11. However, if you scroll down, you will a new option called Widget Store.
    how to get xbox game bar widget store on windows 11
  12. Click on the Widget Store. It will now show you a range of third-party widgets that you can choose to install.
    how to get xbox game bar widget store on windows 11
  13. Mind you that there are free as well as paid ones available.
  14. To install the particular widget, simply click on it.
  15. It will then ask you to install it. Once installed, you can then adjust where you want the widget to be placed.
    how to get xbox game bar widget store on windows 11
  16. That’s it.


And this is how you can get the new Widgets Store via the Xbox Game Bar app and even install the widget on your Windows 11 PC. So far, there is a limited number of third-party widgets available for users to choose from. With time, we can also expect to see many widgets being created by various developers made available on the Microsoft App Store soon.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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