How to Fix Element TV Black Screen

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Itโ€™s a nightmare when your TV encounters a black screen with no option to move forward. Many users are stuck on the empty screen, wondering, โ€œWhy is my Element TV screen black?โ€ and hunting for an option to fix it.

Usually, a faulty power connection and incorrect input result in a black screen, but there could be deep-rooted problems like hardware malfunction.

In this post, weโ€™ll list all the possible reasons why your TV shows a black screen and the methods to get it to work again.

Reasons For Element TV Black Screen

Here are the following reasons why the TV screen is black with no sound:

  • Faulty power connection and cable
  • Incorrect Input selection
  • Unnecessarily Low Brightness and Contrast setting
  • Hardware Malfunction

5 Ways to Fix Element TV Black Screen

Try the following methods sequentially to resolve the black TV screen problem.

1. Check the Power Source

Firstly, check the power outlet to which you have connected the TV. Disconnect the TV and plug in any other appliance, like a charger or light, to check if the outlet supplies power. Also, remove any additional devices like the spike strip or extension board, as a blown fuse can prevent electricity from reaching the TV.

How to Fix Element TV Not Turning On

Check the power cord for any signs of damage. If the sheathing is off or the wires are broken, try connecting them and covering them with electrical tape.

2. Check the Input Source

Using an incorrect input source often shows a black screen because nothing is connected to that source. For example, if you connect a cable box to the HDMI 1 port and set the input source as HDMI 2, youโ€™ll see a black screen without anything.

So, use the TV remote to change the input source. If the remote isnโ€™t working, you can use the physical power button on the TV to open the Input selection menu and pick the correct source.

3. Power Cycle the TV

Do a power cycle if you cannot select the source, and nothing pops up on the TV even after pressing the physical button. Disconnect the TV from the wall socket and press the power button for one minute to drain any remaining power.


Then, wait a few hours and reconnect the TVโ€™s power cord to the wall socket. Press the power button and check if the TV shows a black screen.

4. Factory Reset the TV

After trying the above checks, the black screen with no sound problem should disappear. But if these methods fail, you can reset the Element TV without accessing its UI. Unlike other smart TVs, which are difficult to reset without a remote or working screen, you can reset your Element TV with the reset button below the HDMI port.

Use a SIM ejector or another similar pin to press the reset button on the TV and hold it for 30-60 seconds. Your TV will automatically restart and boot to the welcome screen or home page.

5. Consult a Technician

If all the software troubleshooting didnโ€™t fix the issue, it could be a more serious problem with the TV hardware. A fault in the mainboard can result in this problem, which is best checked and replaced by a technician.

Contact the official support and schedule a visit. If there are any faulty parts, you can replace them for free or very cheap if the TV is under warranty.


Q. Why is my TV working, but the screen is black?

If you hear a sound but cannot see anything, the HDMI cable is probably damaged and cannot supply a signal. Switch to another TV input and replace the HDMI cable. Sometimes, the connected device might also malfunction, resulting in no visuals on the TV.

Q. How to reset the TV with a black screen without a remote?

You can use the reset button at the back. Press it with a pin and hold for 60 seconds to initiate a reset.

Q. How do you know if your TV screen is damaged?

If there are any wired colored lines, patches, or visible signs of damage, the screen is dead and unrevivable in most cases.

Wrapping Up

These were the five methods to fix the Element TV black screen problem. Start with the cable inspections and do a soft reset after checking the power, connections, and remote. Lastly, do a factory reset to restore the default software settings.

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Abhishek Mishra

Abhishek fell in love with computers and consumer electronics a decade back. He has extensively covered popular operating systems, apps, and web services for the last five years at trusted publications including WindowsLatest, MakeUseOf, and Fossbytes. At YTECHB, he pens elaborate guides, emerging tech topics, and listicles.

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