How to Fix Black Screen Issue on Vizio Smart TV

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Are you encountering the black screen issue on Vizio TV? Many users have reported the issue where the Vizio TV’s screen goes black but the sound works, while for others sound also ain’t working. Today, you will know the reasons behind the issue and ways to fix it.

Nowadays, almost everyone owns a smart TV. While they work fine all the time, there are instances when smart TVs have some kind of an issue, which you might say is not a smart thing to do. One of the common issues with Vizio smart TVs is the black screen of death.

Now, what does it mean? Well, for starters, your TV will just display a black output and absolutely nothing else. Read on to learn how to fix the black screen of death on Vizio TV. Having such an error can be a headache, and for that matter, it’s even much worse when your TV’s warranty has just expired. However, worry not, as there are a few ways that you can try to fix this issue.

In this guide, we will be taking a look at what causes such an issue and how you can fix this crazy black screen issue.

Reasons Behind Black Screen Issue on Vizio TV

Before we begin to take a look at the fixes, we need to take a look at the various reasons that the Vizio Smart TV produces the black screen issue. The common cause could be a bad software update patch that seems to be causing the black screen issues for a lot of Vizio Smart TV sets.

Other reasons include poor power supply to the power boards of the Vizio Smart TV, failure of other internal parts such as the inverter board, and others.

How to Fix Black Screen Issue on Vizio TV

It is always good to know about a few issues that could plague the TV and also the methods to know how to solve such issues. It helps in saving time over simply panicking for no reason at all.

Now that you know the reasons why your Vizio Smart TV might be having the black screen issue, let’s take a look at how to fix the black screen issue on your Vizio Smart TV.

Power Cycle TV

There could be a small temporary bug that might be causing this black screen glitch. In this case, a power cycle can be performed. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Disconnect the TV from its power source and leave it that way for 30 to 40 seconds.

Power Cycle TV

Step 2: After that, reconnect the smart TV.

If the screen displays normally, then everything is perfect. If not, follow the next step.

Check for Any Audio

Sometimes you need to figure out if it is the display that has an issue or the TV as a whole. For this, you will need to simply power the TV on and play anything on the TV.

It works best if you know where the app is on your screen, then you can blindly select the app and play something. Increase the volume to be able to hear something. If you can hear something, follow the next step.

Torchlight Test

If you can hear the audio playing through your TV, it could be that the display is the only issue. To test that, you can simply take a torchlight and shine it right onto your TV screen.

If you can see the screen image that is being displayed lightly, then it is the inverter board that brings the image to the display that has failed. In this case, the inverter board will have to be replaced.

Change Settings

If you believe that it is a software update that might have messed around with your display settings on the Vizio Smart TV, follow the below steps. You might need to use the torchlight method to look at the image on your display to navigate around.

Step 1: Press the Menu button on your Vizio Smart TV remote.

Step 2: Now, navigate around to the Picture option in the menu.

Step 3: Once in the Picture menu, select the Standard mode for your TV.

Fix Black Screen Issue on Vizio TV

Step 4: Under the Standard picture mode, select the Backlight settings. You will need to adjust it from 100% to 75%.

Step 5: Next, you will have to select the More Picture option and enable the toggle for the Clear Action.

Step 6: You will have to make this adjustment every time you make use of the HDMI inputs on your Vizio Smart TV.

Step 7: Until a software update is sent to fix the glitch, this is the method you will have to use to overcome the black screen issue.

Disconnect a Streaming Device

If you can see the menu options on the screen, it’s usually a problem with the streaming device you have connected. To fix it, disconnect the devices and your issue should be fixed.

Check Source Connection

If there is a loose connection for the input source of the TV, it might be the reason why you are seeing a black screen. Just check the cable and replace it if needed, and your issue should be fixed.

Replace Components

Now is the time for the internal components of the parts to be replaced. Do this only if you know how to disassemble the Vizio Smart TV. Otherwise, you can always get someone who is experienced to do it for you. It is also important that you know what parts you might be ordering for the particular Vizio Smart TV.

In case your Vizio Smart TV is still under the warranty period, the best you can do is take it to the Vizio service center and have them check what the issue is and fix it up for you.

Wrapping Up

So, these are some of the best ways you can follow to resolve the black screen issue on Vizio TV. If at all you want to replace the parts by yourself, it is best that you have a helping hand who has knowledge about them. Also, make sure to consult the repair guides that are available on YouTube.

Remember to check the model, and that part will need to be replaced. Also, if your TV is under warranty, do send it to the service center and do not try to open it on your own. If you do, you might lose the warranty right away, and the service center might even go ahead and charge you extra for the repairs.

Do let us know in the comments below if you have any questions related to the article.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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