How to Find Downloaded Files on Android [Different Methods]

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Nowadays downloading files on our smartphones has become an essential part of our daily lives. On Android phones, you can download various types of files including APKs, Documents, Music, Videos, and more. If you download files on your Android phone, this guide will walk you through How to find downloaded files on your Android device.

When it comes to Android devices, the user interface (UI) can vary depending on the custom skin applied by the manufacturer. Many OEMs have their own custom UI, which can result in differences in the user experience. These differences are also notable in the file manager. This also means ways to locate downloaded files are also going to be different.

It’s important to know where your files are downloading and where you can find them. Downloading too many files will fill up the storage, so you might need to remove unwanted files at some point. Also, you should know where the downloaded files are located, as you obviously need to open them, and that’s the reason why you downloaded them in the first place.

How to Find Downloads on Default File Manager

Since each phone comes with a default file manager, you can use this method. While the UI of each file manager may be different, you can explore using the same steps. Here I will be using Samsung’s default File Manager.

  1. Open the default File Manager on your Phone. The file manager app name could be different depending on the phone you are using.
  2. You will find shortcuts to different Categories. If categories are not available on your File Manager app, open Internal Storage.
  3. Open the Downloads folder.
    How to Find Downloaded Files on Android
  4. By default, all the downloaded files will be located here.
    How to Find Downloaded Files on Android Phone

So basically you need to look for the Downloads folder no matter what File Manager you are using. Now letโ€™s move to a common method that you can follow on all phones.

How to Find Downloaded Files on Files by Google

Files is an app from Google that is also available on the Play Store. It is the default file manager on many phones running on stock Android.

  1. Open the Play Store on your Phone and search for the Files by Google app.
    How to Find Downloaded Files on Android Phone
  2. Install the app on your phone.
  3. Open the Files app. If it asks for storage access, grant it.
  4. Now look for the Downloads folder and open it.
    How to Find Downloaded Files on Android Phone
  5. Here you can find all downloads and you can sort them by size, date, and more. If not go through the available tabs next to the All tab.
    How to Find Downloaded Files on Android Phone

How to Find Downloads Manually

Now it’s always up to you where you want to download files. By default, it is set to the Downloads folder, but the user always has the option to change the download location.

  1. Open the File Manager of your choice.
  2. If you remember what location you have set for the download skip the next step.
  3. In case you donโ€™t remember the location, you can check the location from the Browsers settings.
    How to Find Downloaded Files on Android
  4. Once you have the location, navigate to that location on your File Manager. In the location, you will find your downloaded file.

It’s quite easy to find downloaded files, but if you are just starting to use an Android phone, it may not be the same in your case. So it’s always helpful to look for a guide if you don’t have any idea what to do. Also, if you have any queries, let us know in the comment section.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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