How to Turn On and Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11

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Windows is the popular choice operating system for many users. Remote Desktop is one of the important tools in Windows for many people who have to work around and deal with systems in large numbers such as offices. And since it is an essential tool, you will find it baked into Windows 11 right away. If you are new to Windows 11 and maybe even a first-time Remote Desktop user, here is a guide that shows you how to enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11.

There are many reasons why someone would want to use Remote Desktops. For starters, it could be done to access a particular system from your office to home or vice versa, or it could be done to diagnose and fix any issues with a particular system. Or, it could also be that you are the admin for numerous systems, and it could be that to perform a specific task your presence is required. However, with a remote desktop, you can perform such tasks at your comfort from your PC itself. Read on to know how to enable and use Remote Desktop on a Windows 11 PC.

How to Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11

There are numerous ways for you to enable Remote Desktop on a Windows 11 PC.  But you do need to know that you can make use of all the Remote Desktop features provided you have a Windows 11 Pro or Windows 11 Enterprise version of the OS installed on your Windows 11 PC.

Enable Remote Desktop via Command Prompt

  • Fire up the Command Prompt. You can search for it from the Start menu.
  • Make sure to run the Command Prompt as an Administrator.
    How to Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11
  • With the Command Prompt running as Administrator, simply copy and paste this command line
    • reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  • Simply hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
  • The Remote Desktop application for your Windows 11 PC will now be running.
  • You can also enter this command line to let the Remote Desktop app access via the Windows Firewall.
    • netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=Yes
  • Simply hit the enter key after you have entered the command.
  • You can now make use of the Remote Desktop app on your Windows 11 PC.

Enable Remote Desktop via Windows PowerShell

  • Open the Start Menu and type in PowerShell.
  • From the search results highlight the app and then select the Run as Administrator.
    How to Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11
  • Once you have the Windows PowerShell app running, simply paste the following command line
    • Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server' -name "fDenyTSConnections" -value 0
  • With the command pasted, simply hit the enter key on your keyboard.
  • You need to allow your Windows Firewall to let the remote desktop connection pass through it.
  • Enter this command line to allow it to pass.
    • Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Desktop"
  • Now, hit the enter key. You have now allowed the remote desktop app to pass through the Windows Firewall.

Enable Remote Desktop via Control Panel

  • Open the Control Panel by typing it in the Start menu.
  • Now with the Control Panel opens, select System and Security.
  • With the System and Security control panel open, navigate to System.
  • Under System, you will see the Allow Remote Access option. Click on it.
    How to Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11
  • A System Properties dialogue box will open.
  • Select the Remote tab.
    How to Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 11
  • Now select the checkbox that says Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer.
  • If you have a Windows 11 Home Edition system you will only see this option. But, if you have the Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise versions, you will see additional options.
  • The other options will let you choose to allow connections from other computers.
  • Once you have selected the options you want, click on the Apply button, followed by the OK button.

Enable Remote Desktop via the Settings app

  • Launch the Settings app from the Start Menu on your Windows 11 PC.
  • With the Settings app open, and on the System option scroll through the right pane.
  • You will see the Remote Desktop option, click on it.
  • The Remote Desktop settings page will open.
  • Click on the toggle that says Remote Desktop. Make sure to turn the toggle on.
  • You can click on the checkbox that says Require devices to use Network Level Authorization to connect.
  • For all of this to work, you need to have Windows 11 Pro or Windows 11 Enterprise editions on your PC.

How to Use Remote Desktop

Now that you know how to enable Remote Desktop it is time to know how to use this particular feature. Now, you can always use a ton of other third-party software available. These software programs are also pretty good and recommended by a lot of users. However, we’ll be talking about the Remote Desktop connection app that is available within your Windows 11 PC.

  • Open the Start Menu and type in Remote Desktop.
  • When you see the app in the search results highlight it.
  • Now select the Run as Administrator option.
  • The app will now launch on your desktop.
  • Here you will be able to enter the name of the computer that you wish to connect to.
  • You can click on the Show Options button at the bottom left.
  • You will get other options such as entering the system’s username. This will be the username of the system that you will be connecting to.
  • There is also the option to choose where you would like to save the current RDP settings.
  • Apart from these settings, you will be able to adjust various things such as display, audio, and other experiences.
  • Once you have adjusted all and entered the name of the system, simply hit the connect button.
  • If everything is right, you have now connected to another system remotely using Remote Desktop.


And this is how you can enable and make use of Remote Desktops on a Windows 11 PC. Sure, there are other softwares such as Team viewer, AnyDesk, and the likes to use if you have a system that runs on Windows 11 Home Edition. We hope this guide has helped you understand what Remote Desktop is, how to enable it as well to use it. If you have any queries, feel free to drop them in the comments below.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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