How to Personalize App Icons on Your Mac

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Customization isn’t a strong suit of macOS devices due to restrictions. However, there are some basic customizations you can apply to make your Mac look the way you want. One of the customizations that you can easily do on your Mac is changing app icons.

If you want to change an app icon on your Mac, here I’ll show you how you can do it in just a few minutes.

Customizing app icons on Mac is nothing like doing it on Android phone or Windows PC. You need to do all the steps manually as there is no icon pack that you can apply directly. So we will go through each step one by one.

The First Step

To customize app icons you will first need a custom icon that shows the app identity very well. There are many services where you can get a bunch of custom app icons for free. Some popular websites to find custom app icons are macOSicons, flaticon, icons8, iconscout and many more.

Customize App Icons on macOS

All you need to do is visit any trusted website that offer custom icons for Mac and look for the icons you want to use. Then download these icons to your Mac. Save them in a folder you can easily access.

Note: Make sure the app icon’s background is transparent and the resolution is square. Preferred resolution for an app icon is 512 x 512 pixels.

Customize App Icons on macOS

Once you have custom icons for the apps you want to change the icons for, follow the steps below to change their icons.

  1. In Finder, go to the Applications folder inside the main volume. If you donโ€™t see your apps, then you might be opening the Applications from users folder, instead open the one under Macintosh HD.
    Customize App Icons on macOS
  2. Once you see all the applications, right click on an app and select Get Info. Or click on the app and then click โ€˜iโ€™ icon on top in Finder.
    Customize App Icons on macOS
  3. Now drag and drop the downloaded icon to the small icon that you see in the Get Info window. Follow the image for reference. Drop the icon when you see green +.
    Customize App Icons on macOS
  4. If it’s successful, you’ll see the change right away. However this may not work with all apps.

Follow the same process for every app icon you want to customize on your Mac. Updating an app may change back its icon to the original, but you can change it back.

Customizing app icons is easy, the only challenge may be finding a cool custom app icon. If you donโ€™t find a good icon, you can also create one by following good tutorials. Were you able to change the app icon on your Mac? Let us know in the comments.

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Ashutosh singh

Computer Science graduate and tech enthusiast. Love testing new tech gadgets ever since my first windows phone from Samsung. Working as a technical writer for more than five years, and I believe I have also developed good SEO skills. In my spare time, I like watching movies, and playing games.

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