Dark Souls 3 Weapons Tier List [All Weapons Ranked]

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Dark Souls 3 is a game that was released back in 2016. This is an RPG game that has a number of characters, as well as weapons for you, to choose from. Now, if you are a seasoned player of Dark Souls, you might already know what characters you need to use and what weapons you should be equipping them with. However, if you are someone that is new to the game or for that matter, new to the world of RPG games, then we have a Dark Souls 3 Weapons Tier list here for you that shows you the best to the worst weapons. 

This Tier list contains the name of the weapons as well as the type of weapons that are present in the game. The tier list starts with the S class which is the highest and the best weapons and tier F is the lowest class which basically means that you should be avoiding such weapons at any cost. So, if you are someone that wants to see their list of weapons from the game Dark Souls 3, you’ve come to the right place.

Dark Souls 3 Weapons Tier List

Dark Souls 3 Weapons Tier List

Tier Lists are important whether it is for characters or weapons. Picking up the best team and best weapons is the first thing that decides the result of the game. And also from Dark Souls 3 Weapons Tier List, we can know which weapons to purchase or mine in the game. So if you are a Dark Soul 3 player then this list will help you in many ways. Now let’s jump into the list.

Dark Souls 3: S Tier Weapons

Black Knight GlaiveHalberd
Carthus CSCurved Sword
EstocPiercing Sword
Gotthand TSStraight Sword
Gundy’s HallbredHalberd
Oni and UbaKatana
Washing PoleKatana

Dark Souls 3: A Tier Weapons

Anri’s SSStraight Sword
Astora GSUGS
Barbed SSStraight Sword
BK GreataxeG Axes
BK SwordGreatsword
Carthus ShotelCurved Sword
Chaos BladeKatana
ClawsFist and Claw
Dark SwordStraight Sword
Dragonslayer SpearSpear and Pike
Dragonslayer SSSpear and Pike
Exile GSCurved GS
Gargoyle FSSpear and Pike
Hollowslayer GSGreatsword
Long SwordStraight Sword
Lothric Knight LSSpear and Pike
Lothric Knight SwordStraight Sword
Moonlight GSGreatsword
Pontiff Curved SwordCurved Sword
RapierPiercing Swords
Red Hilted HalberdHalberd
Ricards RapierPiercing Swords
Storm Curved SwordCurved Sword
Twin Princes GSGreatsword

Dark Souls 3: B Tier Weapons

Bandit’s KnifeDagger
BroadswordStraight Sword
Butcher KnifeAxes
Carthus Curved GSCurved GS
Corvian GKDagger
Crescent AxeHalberd
Crescent Moon SwordCurved Sword
Demon FistFist and Claw
Dragonslayer AxeG Axes
Drang TSSpear and Pike
FalchionCurved Sword
Farron GSUGS
Four-Pronged PlowSpear and Pike
Great ClubG Hammers
Irithyll RapierPiercing Swords
Irithyll SSStraight Sword
Large ClubG Hammers
Lorians GSUGS
Lothric Knight GSUGS
Lothric’s Holy SStraight Sword
Morion BladeStraight Sword
MurakumoCurved GS
Old Wolf CSCurved GS
PartizanSpear and Pike
PikeSpear and Pike
Profaned GSUGS
Sellsword TBCurved Sword
Spiked MaceG Hammers
Sunlight SSStraight Sword
Tailbone SpearSpear and Pike
Thrall AxeAxes
Warden TBCurved Sword
Winged Knight HalberdHalberd
Witch’s LocksWhips
Wolf Knights GSGreatsword
Yhorm’s GMG Axes

Dark Souls 3: C Tier Weapons

Astor’s SpearSpear and Pike
Astora SSStraight Sword
Bastard SwordGreatsword
Battle AxeAxes
Black BladeKatana
Blacksmith HammerHammers
Brigand TDDagger
CaestusFist and Claw
Cathedral Knight GSUGS
Crystal Sage’s RapierPiercing Swords
Dancer’s Enchanted SwordsCurved Sword
Demon FistFist and Claw
Demon GAG Axes
Dragonslayer AxeAxes
Drang HammersHammers
Executioners GSGreatsword
Firelink GSGreatsword
Great Corvian ScytheReaper
Great MachetteG Axes
Great ScytheReaper
GreataxeG Axes
Immolation TinderHalberd
Man Serpent HatchetAxes
Morne’s GHG Hammers
Notched WhipWhips
Old King GHG Hammers
PickaxeG Hammers
Pontiff Knight GSReaper
Reinforced ClubHammers
Rotten Ghru DaggerDagger
Rotten Gru SpearSpear and Pike
ScimitarCurved Sword
ShortswordStraight Sword
ShotelCurved Sword
Smoughs HammerG Hammers
SpearSpear and Pike
Spotted WhipWhips
Storm RulerGreatsword
Tailbone SSDagger
Winged Knight TAAxes
Winged SpearSpear and Pike
Wolnir’s Holy SwordGreatsword

Dark Souls 3: D Tier Weapons

Broken SSStraight Sword
Clerics CandlestickStraight Sword
Dragon ToothG Hammers
Drakeblood GSGreatsword
Gargoyle Flame HammerG Hammers
Golden Ritual spearSpear and Pike
Great MaceG Hammers
Great Wooden HammerG Hammers
GreatlanceSpear and Pike
GS of JudgementGreatsword
Handmaids DaggerDagger
Heysel PickHammers
Manikin ClawsFist and Claw
Painting Guardian’s CSCurved Sword
Parrying DaggerDagger
Rotten Gru CSCurved Sword
Saints BidentSpear and Pike
Soldering IronSpear and Pike
Vordts GHG Hammers
Yorshka’s SpearSpear and Pike

Dark Souls 3: F Tier Weapons

Dark HandFist and Claw
Scholar’s CandlestickDagger


And there you have it! The whole tier list of weapons that you should and should not be using while you play Dark Souls 3. Now, of course, each person has their own preference as to what weapon they really like according to their strategy.

Could there be a possibility that a weapon you didn’t like ended up at the top tier? Or, could it also be the other way around? Well, for those answers, we would have to hear from you. And that can be achieved by you dropping out your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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