Bookmark your favorite page is really helpful to find your precise pages easily by just a click. Some of the sites have not attractive or annoying favicon on a chrome bar. Luckily, There is a way to change bookmark’s favicon. In this post, You will read about “How to Change Saved Bookmark icon in Chrome“.
Change Saved Bookmark icon in Chrome:
Downloadย “Bookmark Favicon Changer”ย Extension in google chrome and follow me:
1. Enable theย extension, after installing it.
2. Click on “show on the page that can use custom favicon” after this click on Bookmark Favicon.
3. Now right click on your saved bookmark and choose “Change favicon” option.
4. Now choose the image you want to change. ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
5. That’s it now enjoy with new favicons.
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