Best AI tools for shortening reading time (5 Tools)

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It’s 2025 and almost all of our reading – be it a daily short information, meeting transcript or an eBook, happens digitally on smartphones, tablets and computers. However, it sometimes gets boring as you look at your screen and read lengthy content. Due to this, we sometimes end up missing the key points from the documents as well. Fortunately, thereโ€™s a solution to this problem.

There are a bunch of AI-powered summarizers available online that can help you in reducing your reading time. These efficient tools can condense lengthy documents into short contents or summaries, preserving their important information and key points while simultaneously reducing the overall reading time.

As we mentioned earlier, there are a bunch of tools available, and picking the best one can be a challenging. However, we’ve compiled a list of the best AI tools to help you shorten your reading time.

Top AI Summarizers for Shortening Your Reading Time

After going through all the tools, we have selected some best AI-powered summarizers available online. Before diving into these tools, I highly recommend using the built-in AI summarizer on your device if it is blessed with AI capabilities. However, if your device lacks such features, you can proceed with the mentioned tools.

These tools are so powerful that they can condense a long book into a summary or note in just a few matter of seconds. So let’s have a look at it.

1. ChatGPT

It won’t be wrong to say that ChatGPT is “the most versatile summary generator” you can get. It is very popular and if you’re a tech geek, you’ve probably used it numerous times. Other than performing normal AI chatbot-like tasks, it can also double up as a summary.

How to Use ChatGPT 4o Right Now

You can provide it with any text or document of your source of reading and ask the AI to give you the key points or summary of it. The AI will then provide you with the content based on your request in just a few seconds. This will help you in reducing your overall reading time. OpenAI also provides limited access to its Pro-version to its free users so even if you are not subscribed, you can upload your documents and can get a detailed summary of it.


2. Semrush AI Summarizer

If you are looking for a tool to summarize lengthy articles and news, then the Semrush AI summarizer can easily be a good option for it. Creating summaries on the tool is very easy. All you have to do is copy and paste the text content on the box. Select the summary type; either Paragraph or Bullet Points and then select the desired length of summary: short, medium and long.

Finally click on the Summarize button. After a few seconds, your personalized summary will be ready. Since there’s no character limit on the tool, you can use this to summarise the texts or sources that are really really long and reading it can take you ages.

Semrush AI Summarizer

3. BooksAI

It wouldn’t be fair if we were talking about shortening the reading time and don’t consider the bookworms. So if you are among those people who love reading books but don’t have enough time to go through all the pages, then this tool can be very useful for you.

BooksAI is a simple and free-of-cost AI-powered book summarizer tool available for iPhone and Android users. It can provide you with a summary of books in a total of 9 different languages. There are three different modes available inside the app; detailed summary, spoiler-free summary and chapter summary.

The detailed summary model provides the summary of the entire book in the most detailed manner possible. The spoiler free nothing but a detailed summary minus the main idea or climax. The chapter summary, as the name implies, gives you a summary of a single chapter.


4. Grammarly

When we say Grammarly, we are sure you must be thinking of that grammar-checking tool. Well, you are right, but it also has a built-in note summarizer tool. Just like other tools in the list, Grammarly is free but requires the user to log in to create high-quality summaries.

This tool can be a perfect option for you if you want to create summaries of emails, articles and short news. Though the tool takes a comparatively longer time to summarize the tool when compared to other aforementioned tools, it won’t be a big problem. It also allows you to set the formality, length and tone of the text, providing you a more advanced control on your summary.

Grammarly Summarizer

5. Summary Generator AI

This is by far the easiest summary generator tool we’ve seen set. So if you are a student or a non-tech person, then this tool can be a perfect fit for you. Using this tool is very, very easy since it has a minimal UI with no useless buttons or options whatsoever.

You just have to paste the text content and click on the “AI Summary” button. The AI will then read the text and will provide you with a detailed summary within a few seconds (depending on your internet connection’s speed).

Summary Generator AI

Final Words

That’s it! We are very confident that using these tools will cut down your reading time by a lot. We have covered a wide variety of tools. If you want a basic summarizer tool, then you can use the Summary Generator. If you want to a create summary of long research papers and other contents, then you can use Semrush AI summarizer and if you want a versatile summary, you have the ChatGPT.

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Iโ€™m a consumer tech writer passionate about breaking down the latest gadgets and smartphones into easy-to-understand guides and news. I love exploring new tech firsthand and sharing practical, relatable insights to help readers stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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