Android 12 with One UI 4.1 rolling out for Samsung Galaxy A21s

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As we inch closer to the release of android 13, many companies are fast-tracking the update to Android 12 to the remainder of eligible devices. The latest device from Samsung to receive the update to Android 12 is the Galaxy A21s. The Galaxy A21s is now ready to receive the update to Android 12 with One UI 4.1. If you or someone you know who owns the Galaxy A21s, you can check out all the details of the new Android update here.

The update to Android 12 with One UI 4.1 is currently rolling to Galaxy A21s users in Russia. The build number for the Android 12 update is A217FXXU8DVF6. Along with a new Android version, users will also be getting the security patches for the month of June. Here is what you can expect from the update on the Galaxy A21s.

With the new update, users will be getting a ton of improvements and features for their devices. Of course, with Android 12 and One UI 4.1, you will be getting a range of new widgets, a redesigned quick panel, and also the Color Palette feature. With the color palette, your menus, buttons, and apps colors are adjusted according to the color of your deviceโ€™s wallpaper. If you are someone that uses the Samsung Keyboard that comes pre-installed, you can easily get access to various gifs and stickers that you can use in a conversation.

For those who take a lot of pictures on their Galaxy A21s, there is now a Pro Mode where you will be able to adjust a number of settings according to your choice. And if you want to make changes to your photos, the built-in photo editor has all the tools you will need to improve your photos, including the ability to add emojis and stickers.

As you would expect from a major update for your Galaxy A21s there are a lot of things that provide you with a better user experience overall. Now, for Galaxy A21s users outside of Russia, it is recommended that you wait for a few days or weeks for the update to land on your device. In the meantime, you can read the whole changelog for the Android 12 with One UI 4.1 update by heading here.

You can check for the update on Galaxy A21s by launching the Settings app and then tapping on System Updates. If the update is available, make sure that you have enough storage available on your device and it is best if you download the update on a WiFi connection.

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Joshua D'souza

Enjoy games, 90's hip-hop, and tech. Loves exploring the infinite world of laptops and food. Every ready to provide assistance in anything that rocks his boat. Will gladly enjoy capturing memories through various lenses. Worked previously at PiunikaWeb as an author and researcher.

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